From the course: Amplify Your Personal Brand with Generative AI

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Tailor generative AI content to your personal brand voice

Tailor generative AI content to your personal brand voice

From the course: Amplify Your Personal Brand with Generative AI

Tailor generative AI content to your personal brand voice

Have you ever gotten on a phone helpline and heard an automated voice, and then immediately gotten frustrated because you're not talking to a real person? That's because as humans, we desire and crave interaction with other humans. The thing that these services and interactions lack is the human touch, or rather, the personal touch. The personal touch is what makes things unique, special, and relatable for people. It's that special "it" factor that you bring. This "it" factor can be conveyed in lots of different ways, but in the context of building a personal brand, you're often going to have to convey it through written content, whether it be an email, a report, or social media post. The key to creating great written content is using your voice. I don't mean that literally. When I use that reference, what I really mean is your tonality, slang, vocabulary, opinions, perspectives, stories, and even the volume you speak of. All of these elements make your voice unique, and this is what…
