From the course: Amplify Your Personal Brand with Generative AI

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Engage your network with generative AI

Engage your network with generative AI

Whether your network is 10 people or 10,000 people, you can still amplify your personal brand, leveraging these contacts by building deeper relationships with these individuals. This all starts with conversations. But how do you start and more importantly, maintain these conversations? Starting and continuing a conversation with someone you don't see every day or have never met can be extremely challenging, especially in an online environment. So let's break it down into a formula that you can follow. In networking, you'll mostly write three types of messages or emails; introductions, warm outreach messages, and social media comments or responses. The extra hard part about communicating online is making sure your messages come across the right way. So we're going to use generative AI to help us write these messages. Starting with introductions, these will be the messages where you're introducing yourself to a person for the first time, or you're following up with them after an…
