From the course: Amplify Your Personal Brand with Generative AI

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Define your brand identity with generative AI

Define your brand identity with generative AI

From the course: Amplify Your Personal Brand with Generative AI

Define your brand identity with generative AI

Iconic brands are intertwined into every aspect of our lives. If you have to run an errand to go get groceries, you probably have a certain store that comes to mind. If you need to make a coffee run before work, you probably have a certain shop or spot that you're partial to. Now, imagine if you could have that kind of inherent implied value and brand name recognition when your name comes up in a conversation. But before we get there, have you ever thought about what you'd want to come to the minds of others when they think of your name? What imagery would you want to appear in their minds? What words would they associate with you? These are the things that make up your brand identity and your brand narrative. It's time to start reflecting and thinking of what you want that identity and narrative to be. You can use the "Defining Your Brand Identity" exercise file I've included in this course to help guide your thought process. In the context of big brands, a brand identity refers to…
