From the course: Amplify Your Personal Brand with Generative AI

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Brainstorm content ideas with generative AI

Brainstorm content ideas with generative AI

As humans, we are storytellers by nature, and content creation is just another form of storytelling. But storytelling is a skill, and it doesn't necessarily come easily to everyone. So we're going to use generative AI to help us put our stories into words and into a format that will help you write content that resonates with your target audience. Here's a few general guidelines for leveraging AI to write content. Start with perspective and personas. Tell the AI who you are so it can gain a basic understanding of who you are, your background, and what your objectives might be. For example, I would express my persona as I am a LinkedIn-first content creator and I talk about early careers, Gen Z and the workforce, and personal branding. Tell the AI your intention and objective. For example, I would say, "I want to write a 500-word post about how to land internships." Be specific. AI tends to interpret things quite literally, so you can't expect it to give you what you want unless you…
