From the course: AI Trends

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General artificial intelligence

General artificial intelligence

From the course: AI Trends

General artificial intelligence

- General AI is the holy grail of artificial intelligence research. It asks the question, what if we didn't build products or tools to solve one specific problem, a chatbot, something that makes more art, or something that creates poetry, but instead created a tool that could do all of it? That could emulate what a human does, their curiosity, their ability to find new information, and to solve new problems? But general AI is still a ways off. It's not here yet. General AI has the potential to transform everything even more than generative AI does. But when it comes, it'll start by changing and redefining what work means. When we have true general artificial intelligence, it'll change everything about our organizations, our institutions, and maybe even our relationships. One of the first places that general AI might transform institutions is in forcing us to reconceptualize what work even really means. If general…
