From the course: AI Trends

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Facial recognition

Facial recognition

- The other day I got a message from a social media network that someone had posted a picture of me. The service wanted to know if I approved of the posting of this image. Now, here's the thing: I don't know this person who posted the image. I've never met this person. I don't know anything about them. Yet somehow they had posted a picture of me. The photo was of a teacher in a classroom in a country I've never visited. And at first I couldn't see where in the picture I was supposed to be. But then when I looked closer, in the background behind the teacher was a computer screen where a student was watching one of my courses. The facial recognition algorithm had scanned the photo, found that computer image of my face, correctly tagged that as me, and then contacted me to ask, "Is this a photo of you? And is it okay that it's being posted?" This is facial recognition in a nutshell, computer algorithms powered by the…
