From the course: Agile Project Management with Jira Cloud: 3 Advanced Topics

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Putting it all together

Putting it all together

- [Instructor] This video discusses putting it all together. We will perform a quick course review, take a look at the Jira family, and then wrap up the course. Here are the combined lean and agile principles that we discussed. It's important that you, your team, and your entire organization embody these principles to be effective. Having these principles, you can choose an agile methodology, your framework, as well as the tools to help you implement these principles. We saw that an agile team is continuously changing and improving, and you want to understand Jira well enough to configure it to match your team's processes. Jira is designed to be configurable for this very purpose. Next, we will discuss the Jira family. In this course, we have mostly worked with Jira Software. Jira Core is a subset of Jira Software, and Jira Service Management is service desk software for IT teams. Jira Core is used for business…
