From the course: Agile Project Management with Jira Cloud: 3 Advanced Topics

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Lab: Cloud team-managed

Lab: Cloud team-managed

- [Instructor] In this demo, we'll explore default filter queries, create a starred filter, and filter the project board. We're logged in as Alana Grant. We'll click in the search field and press enter to go to the global search page. In the sidebar, some of the out of the box filters are listed. These are basically convenient one-click searches. For instance, we can click My Open Issues, or a list of all issues assigned to Alana that aren't resolved. If we click Reported By Me, all of the issues from all projects that were reported by Alana Grant are returned. Now let's click Switch to JQL to see the actual query for this filter. Similarly, you can click the other filters and see their associated query. Next, we'll create a filter. Let's create a query that searches for all issues with the status of in progress and are assigned to the current user. We'll do this in basic search. The status is in progress and…
