From the course: Agile Project Management with Jira Cloud: 3 Advanced Topics

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Lab: Cloud company-managed

Lab: Cloud company-managed

- [Instructor] In this demonstration, we'll create a classic project that uses a lot of what we've learned in this course. We're logged in as a Jira Administrator. Let's click the Create project dropdown and create a Classic project. We'll create a Kanban project and name it projectFinal. Let's assign Alana Grant as the Project Administrator by going to Project settings, then People, and clicking Add people. We're adding Alana to the administrator's role so she can be a Project Administrator in this project. Now let's log out as the Jira Administrator and log in as Alana. Now we're logged in as Alana, and she can see the project called final project, so we'll click on it. The team has decided they would like a work in progress limit of two in the In Progress column. To configure this, we select Board settings, Columns, and for the In Progress column we set the maximum level to two. Returning to the board, we see the max…
