From the course: Agile Project Management with Jira Cloud: 3 Advanced Topics

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Lab: Cloud company-managed

Lab: Cloud company-managed

- [Instructor] In this demo, you will create an epic using a roadmap and by creating an issue, you will add issues to an epic, view swimlanes by epic, view an epic in the Kanban backlog, and complete an epic. Here, we are logged in to our project A classic Kanban project. We're logged in as Alana Grant who is a project administrator for this project. We're viewing our Kanban board and you can see that the first column is selected for development. We can add the backlog column back to the board so that when we create issues, we can see them. We go to board settings, columns, and you can see our Kanban backlog status is in the Kanban backlog column here. So we'll drag that to the backlog column on the board and go back to board and now we can see our backlog column. Next, we will enable the roadmap feature in our project. We can go to board settings, click on roadmap and enable the roadmap. We go back to the board.…
