From the course: Agile Project Management with Jira Cloud: 3 Advanced Topics

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Lab: Cloud

Lab: Cloud

- [Instructor] In this demo, we'll explore the default dashboard, create a dashboard and view the dashboard as a wallboard. From the dashboard's menu, we can view all dashboards. Let's select the default dashboard. Each rectangular display area contains a different gadget. On this dashboard, the gadgets are displaying projects, issues assigned to me and the current activity stream. We can create our own dashboard by clicking on the more icon and can choose to copy the current dashboard as a starting point. We'll name our copy Alana's Dashboard. Notice that currently the dashboard is not shared, but you can share it with a group, the project, or with everyone. After clicking Save, we are brought to Alana's Dashboard. We can remove a gadget by clicking the more icon in the upper right of a gadget and selecting Delete. And let's remove another gadget. Now, we'll click Add a Gadget. Click Load All Gadgets to see the entire…
