From the course: Agile Project Management with Jira Cloud: 3 Advanced Topics

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- [Instructor] In this video, we will discuss filters. We will create filters, describe board filters, and use quick filters. You can see here on the left that there's a list of tabs known as filters. Filters are saved searches to allow you to quickly execute a search. In this case, we've selected the My Open Issues filter. You can create your own filter by executing a search and then clicking Save As. You will then be asked to name your filter. Here, we're calling it My In Progress. Once you've created the filter, it will show in the sidebar under the starred category. You can click on the details link to the right of the filter name to view and edit the details of the filter. In the filter details, you can click on the Edit Permissions link to show the dialogue in the upper right. Here, you can specify who has access to the filter. In this case, we're keeping it private. If you click on the New Subscription link,…
