From the course: Agile Project Management with Jira Cloud: 2 Lean and Agile Processes

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Lab: Team-managed

Lab: Team-managed

- [Instructor] In this demo, we'll create a next-gen Scrum project, create issues in the project Backlog, create and plan a Sprint, execute the Sprint, and complete the Sprint. We're logged in as Alana Grant, the Project Administrator. We have an existing Kanban project, but, for this demo, we're going to create a new Scrum project. To do this, click the Create project button. Since Alana is not a Jira Administrator she can't create classic projects, so we select next-gen. We want this to be a Scrum project, so we need to change the template and select the Scrum template. We'll name the project projectB, choose an access level of Open, and click Create. Our Sprint board is empty since no Sprints have been planned or started yet. If we click Project settings and Features, we can see that the Backlog and Sprints are enabled, which is the default for Scrum projects. Let's also turn on Reports so we can view Sprint-related…
