From the course: Agile Project Management with Jira Cloud: 2 Lean and Agile Processes

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Lab: Cloud

Lab: Cloud

- [Instructor] In this demo, we will perform quick searches, perform basic searches and work with search results. We're logged in as Alana Grant, as we can see by her icon at the upper right. The search field at the top of the screen is a global quick search. If we simply click in the field, a list of recent issues and boards, projects, and filters is displayed. If we start to type all of the issues that contain the word item in any of the issues text-based fields are shown. If we then click Enter, we are brought to the search results for all issues in the site. The text that we entered is in the search box near the top. Now, let's search for item two. This returns all issues with the words item and two in all text fields. If we change this to uppercase, the same results are returned because the global search is not case sensitive when searching issue fields. We could also enter item and two. This is the same as…
