From the course: Agile Project Management with Jira Cloud: 1 Projects, Boards, and Issues

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Using the kanban method

Using the kanban method

- [Instructor] In this video, we'll discuss the Kanban method. We will describe the Kanban method. Describe the importance of flow. Identify the purpose of work in progress limits. Differentiate pull versus push processes. And identify reasons to separate the backlog from the board. We'll start with a Kanban method overview. As we discussed, agile is a way of thinking and working. It is not a specific methodology. An agile method or framework is an approach to implementing agile. Common agile methods include Kanban and scrum. Each embody the core principles of agile, and they are often combined as the team progresses. So you can think of agile as the overall mindset and way of working, and specific methods or frameworks associated with agile, Kanban, scrum, extreme programming or XP, and others. The Kanban method is an agile method used to manage a continuous queue of work items. Commonly used ideas in the Kanban method…
