From the course: Advanced Business Development: Communication and Negotiation

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Talk about case studies

Talk about case studies

- Case studies are a great sales aid to bring your product offering to life and to show your prospect the value you can bring to their organization. But unfortunately, a lot of case studies are way too long, and they're too granular. As typical reps drone on and on through too many slides about specific implementation plans and the nuance of this specific case, the customer really only has one question on their mind: Will this work for me? That's why I want to challenge you to position your case studies as stories, stories about customer impact. To do that, you only need two major details. The first is an objective. This is where you want to really highlight the similarities between the case and the prospect that you're speaking with. When you're talking about objectives in a case study, don't get to granular. Focus on the macro forces driving your customer's decision-making. For example, your customer might tell you they want to update the computers in their office. The reason behind…
