From the course: Advanced Business Development: Communication and Negotiation

Taking it to the next level

- You've gotten your start as a BusDev Rep. Now it's time to up your game. - Advanced business development is when you start selling bigger deals. It's time to crack tougher customers and it's time to get yourself into conversations with more senior buyers. - At this level, the distinction is often found in the nuance. Your conversations become strategic and your buyers are increasingly sophisticated. - [Lisa] If you're already, mostly comfortable talking with buyers and closing business. This course will elevate your skills to the next level. We'll show you how to jumpstart a stalled sales process. Negotiate complex deals. And bring together resources within your own company. I'm Lisa McLead. - And I'm Elizabeth McLead. We work with companies to help them close bigger deals, faster. - Succeeding in business development can put you on the fast track to greater impact, a bigger salary and a more senior position. - Join us on LinkedIn Learning and we'll show you the steps that can help you get there.
