From the course: Advanced Business Development: Communication and Negotiation

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Expedite a stalled sales process

Expedite a stalled sales process

- We just love it, but we're not ready right now. Ugh, nothing is worse than a stalled sales cycle. The buyer either tells you to your face we're not ready or worse they just go dark. But when your buyer says, "We're not ready," or goes dark, it is perfectly appropriate for you to ask why. Now instead of emailing, go old school. Pick up the phone and call. Be authentic, say something like, "You know, it seemed like there was a lot of interest. "What happened?" There are three major reasons sales cycles stall, no urgency is the most common. This is when your buyer says something like, "We have other priorities. "This will have to wait." Or perhaps you're the bright shiny object they wanted to know more about, but now that they know, there's no reason for them to act. Either way, they don't see an immediate value. That's when you have to go back and monetize your benefits. Your objective now is to elevate the cost of your buyer doing nothing and this may require some extra intel…
