From the course: Advanced Business Development: Communication and Negotiation

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Connect to marketing

Connect to marketing

- We were working with the hotshot tech firm. Their marketing was fantastic. The message, the creative, the placements, it was singing. They were filling the top of the sales funnel. But they had a big problem. Prospects would enter the sales process excited, but they had a really low close rate. The reason is surprising. Their marketing was so good but during sales calls, the business development people were simply repeating the marketing talking points. They weren't engaging their buyers in a customer-centric conversation. As a result, the buyers didn't have any urgency to close. You know, in a lot of companies, sales and marketing sit in the same bucket. We even say it like one word. Sales marketing. (laughing) But they're two distinctly different functions. Marketing is all about creating a message for the many that gets interest. Sales is about having a back and forth customer-centric conversation that creates urgency. Interest gets the buyer to raise their hand. Urgency gets…
