From the course: Advanced Business Development: Communication and Negotiation

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Ask for the close

Ask for the close

- So, we good? Is a terrible closing line. As is, okay, let's do this. Or, so I guess it all looks great. Asking the client for the close is the make or break moment in your sales process. But, sometimes it's an awkward dance. You wanna be clear, but you also don't wanna be so formal and assertive that you end up scaring off your customer. To close effectively, you'll need to be crystal clear in your ask. A clear ask results in a clear yes or no. Let's look at three well-intended, but somewhat vague closes we've seen in the field and look at how to amp them up a notch. The first one, how do you feel about what we've discussed today? This is the least assertive of all closes. In fact, it's not really a close at all. It's an open ended question. And it's a great question to ask after a pitch, but don't mistake it for a closing line. Instead, once you've clarified any outstanding questions or details, try asking, is what we've discussed here an opportunity you'd like to move forward…
