From the course: Advanced Business Development: Communication and Negotiation

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10 seconds before your sales call

10 seconds before your sales call

- It's 10 seconds before your sales call. You're either about to walk you in or your customer is about to pick up the phone. I'm gonna teach you how to hack your brain in 10 seconds. It's a three-step process you can use any time, anywhere to make yourself stronger, smarter and a better problem solver. Here goes. The first thing you wanna do is breathe deeply. Breathing will help you stay grounded because it sends oxygen to your brain and your other extremities. Your muscles will start to relax and the stress hormones go down. The next thing you wanna do is think about how you can sincerely help your customer. What's your highest aspiration for them? You see, as humans, our default is to have self-focused objectives like qualify the lead, establish metrics, close the sale but that's not why the customer agreed to talk to you. Think about what they wanna get out of this. How can you deliver against that? You see, contrary to popular belief, we all actually do wanna help other people…
