From the course: Adobe Firefly: First Look

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What makes Firefly unique?

What makes Firefly unique? - Firefly Tutorial

From the course: Adobe Firefly: First Look

What makes Firefly unique?

- [Instructor] Firefly isn't the only AI art generator available. You may have heard of others like Midjourney or DALL-E but Adobe Firefly has several things going for it that make it unique. One unique quality you'll notice right away is Firefly's ability to generate one of a kind text effects. We're going to explore text effects in more detail later in the course, but for now, let's take a look at a gallery of text effects generated by Firefly and I think you'll really be amazed. Here on the main Firefly page at, I'll scroll down to this card in the "Try these out" section, the card label "Text effects" and I'll click on that to open a gallery of text effects generated by Firefly. As I scroll down, just feast your eyes on some of these effects. There's everything from food to plants to popcorn to wires, bread, feathers, tigers, snake skin, and lots more. The possibilities are virtually endless…
