From the course: Adobe Firefly: First Look

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Using a Reference image

Using a Reference image - Firefly Tutorial

From the course: Adobe Firefly: First Look

Using a Reference image

- [Instructor] Did you know that you can use a reference image to influence the images that Firefly generates for you? This comes in handy when Firefly has generated some images, like these perfect red apples, and you like them but then you find out you need to make a change. So maybe the client tells you, "Sorry, we no longer need a red apple, we need a green apple." Do you have to start all over? No, because you can use a reference image to help you change just some elements of a generated image. Here's how it works. The first step is to decide which variation that Firefly has made you want to use as the reference image. I'll choose this one, I'll hover over it and I'll click the three dots, and then I'll choose use as reference image. What's important to note is that when you have a reference image in Firefly, it's not an image that you've created or that you upload. Instead, it's an image generated by Firefly as the…
