From the course: Adobe Firefly: First Look

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Uploading vector images for coloring

Uploading vector images for coloring - Firefly Tutorial

From the course: Adobe Firefly: First Look

Uploading vector images for coloring

- [Narrator] In the last movie, you learned that you can use your own vector images with the Recolor Vector feature in Adobe Firefly. But in order to do that, you have to upload vector images in SVG format. SVG is an open-source graphic vector format. So what do you do if the vector image that you have is in a different vector format like Adobe Illustrator's native .ai format? Well, the answer is pretty simple. Just save a copy of that file in SGV format. Here, for example, I have a .ai file open in Adobe Illustrator. To save a copy as an SVG, I'll go to the File menu and choose Save As or Save a Copy. I'll choose to save on my computer. And in the Save As dialog box, from the Format menu, I'll choose SVG, and I'll click Save. In the SVG Options, I'll leave everything at its default, and I'll click OK. Now I'm back in Firefly's Recolor Vectors module where Firefly's telling me that I can either drag that SVG file…
