From the course: Adobe Firefly: First Look

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Tips for generating images

Tips for generating images - Firefly Tutorial

From the course: Adobe Firefly: First Look

Tips for generating images

- [Instructor] Here are five quick tips you may be able to make use of when you're generating images in Firefly. Tip number one: keep track of your prompts. If you come up with a really good prompt, it's a good idea to write it down, so that you can use it again in the future. And note down not only your text prompts, like the one you see here in the text prompt field, but also any styles that you used. Then you'll be able to use those again in the future to come up with variations on the images that Firefly returned this time. I said variations because each time you enter a prompt, Firefly creates unique images, so you probably won't be able to generate the exact same images again. Well, what if you need to do that? There is an unofficial workaround for this that I picked up in a YouTube video by Deke McClelland, so thank you, Deke. Deke's idea is that you can copy the URL at the top of a page on which Firefly…
