From the course: Adobe Firefly: First Look

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Replacing a background

Replacing a background - Firefly Tutorial

From the course: Adobe Firefly: First Look

Replacing a background

- [Instructor] In this movie we'll learn to use the background replacement features in generative fill. So go to in your web browser and over on the right, log into the Firefly beta site using your Adobe ID. Right now Firefly on the web is available without a wait for anyone over 18 who has an Adobe ID which you can get for free on Now go to the generative fill card and click the blue generate button and that launches the generative fill module page where it will follow these instructions to upload an image file to work on. You can navigate to an image on your computer or you can drag and drop. I'll drag this JPG photo of a tiger from my computer desktop onto the upload box on the Firefly website. I'm going to zoom in a little. Do keep in mind that you can't use raw files with Firefly at the moment. We're ready to put this tiger in a different scene. What we're going to do is first remove the existing background where he's sniffing at some dry land and…
