From the course: Adobe Firefly: First Look

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Removing content

Removing content

- [Instructor] One of the things at which generative fill excels is removing unwanted content. Unwanted content could be anything from a bird that flies into your photo as you're snapping it, or blemishes on a model's face, or even tourists in a photo. A typical problem when you're on vacation that's hard to solve even when you're working in a sophisticated image editing program like Adobe Photoshop. Let's see how generative fill does removing a group of tourists. I'll click the Generate button on the generative fill card to launch generative fill. And I'm going to upload an image. I'll make that bigger so you can see it. So here we have a photo of an elephant in the wild with some tourists snapping photos and probably getting a little too close. So I would like to remove those tourists from the image. And notice that the tourists have a shallow depth of field, while the elephant does not, and that makes it…
