From the course: Adobe Firefly: First Look

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Generating awesome text effects

Generating awesome text effects - Firefly Tutorial

From the course: Adobe Firefly: First Look

Generating awesome text effects

- [Instructor] The text effects that you could generate in Adobe Firefly Beta are just so awesome and so intuitive to use. There's almost nothing I can tell you about them except for to show you a couple of examples. And that's the way software should be to access the text effects generator. You can start on the main Adobe Firefly page and then click the text effects card. And here on the left you'll enter the characters that you want to embellish. There's a limit of about 20 characters, I believe. So I might type something like beach, and then I'll move to the middle of this little window and I'll type words that describe the effect that I want to add to the beach, maybe shells and crabs and seaweed. And then I'll click generate and that goes to the next page where in just a couple of seconds we'll be able to see the resulting text effect applied to that word. And there are some variations on that that you can try out…
