From the course: Adobe Firefly: First Look

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Adding content

Adding content

- [Instructor] One of the most fun things you can do in the Generative fill module is to add brand new content to an image. Let's try it by going to the Generative fill card on and clicking the Generate button to open the Generative fill module. I'm going to upload an image. Here I have a JPEG file of a cat and the cat's friend. And here's the image, I'm going to make that a little bigger so you can see it. The first thing that I thought when I saw it is, "Well, what if that wasn't a gerbil? What if it was some other kind of small animal?" And so I tried that and I'd like to walk you through the steps of doing that too. So we're going to start by removing the gerbil from the image. To do that, we'll go over to the left and we'll select the Remove tool. And then down in the toolbar, we'll click on the brush settings mostly so that you can see what's there. By default, the brush hardness is set to 50%…
