From the course: Adaptive Project Leadership

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Journey mapping

Journey mapping

- There's a difference between listening and really hearing someone. When you're really hearing someone, you're not just understanding their words. You're empathizing with them by putting yourself into their shoes. You're sharing their experience. In the digital transformation it's become increasingly important for companies to empathize with their customers and understand what they truly want and need. In fact, there's a whole industry that's cropped up around this. It's called user experience, or UX for short. One way to build insight into the UX is customer journey mapping. Journey mapping is a popular way for companies to analyze how their customers interact with their product or service. There are many ways to create customer journey maps, but they all share the same goal. Visualize the customer's experience with your product or service so you can understand the customer's behaviors, thoughts, and feelings across touchpoints in their interaction with your product. With this…
