From the course: Accounting Foundations

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Earnings per share

Earnings per share

- Net income, revenues minus expenses, is the net amount of assets generated in doing business. Net income is the overall measure of a company's economic performance during the period in question, the month, or the quarter, or the year. Net income is the one number that summarizes the results of business operations of a company. Now, accountants have been working for over 500 years to fine tune the accounting rules to properly measure revenues and expenses, so that net income is a good measure of economic performance. For large companies, the most commonly discussed net income number is earnings per share. By the way, earnings means the same thing as net income. So earnings per share is just the amount of net income divided by the number of ownership shares in the company. Earnings per share, affectionately known as EPS, and what does the EEPs number mean? If you own one share of stock, then of Microsoft's net income…
