From the course: Accessibility-First Design

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Manual accessibility testing

Manual accessibility testing

- Manual accessibility testing is the most effective way to build experience with accessibility and find the majority of accessibility issues in our work. If you have vision, one of the simplest forms of manual accessibility testing is performing different types of visual review. Does the user interface look intuitive with a predictable layout, sequence, and understandable controls? Is content easy and comfortable to read in view? If you squint, unfocus your eyes, or remove corrective lenses, is the content still discernible? Next, test with visual modes. In Windows, enable high contrast mode with various themes and evaluate how the design appears. Do elements still clearly communicate their purpose? Do focus indicators appear on keyboard focus? You can also use colorblindness simulators to display the design as users with various forms of colorblindness may perceive it. Does the content remain legible? Is stake…
