From the course: 3ds Max 2025 Essential Training

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Detailing a mesh

Detailing a mesh

- [Aaron] Let's combine some of the tools we've learned in order to add some detail to this polygon mesh, the pergola column. I want to add an ornamental extrusion at the bottom here and also an extruded depression. To do that, I'll need some new edge loops here. I'll need three new edge loops to perform that. I'll select the object, make sure that the Modify Panel is visible. I'm in Modify mode and I can access the tools on the ribbon. I want to use the Quick Slice tool and I want to snap two grid intersections or grid points. I need to have Snaps enabled. Doesn't matter whether we snap in 3D or 2.5D. We're just snapping to grid points in the left view. I want to right-click to activate that left view and then activate the Quick Slice tool. As I move the mouse around in the left view, I see I'm snapping to grid points. I want to create a new edge loop right here, one centimeter above the current base of the column. I'll click once to start my Quick Slice operation and click anywhere…
