LinkedIn Sales Navigator for Salesforce – Overview

Last updated: 4 years ago

The LinkedIn Sales Navigator for Salesforce application allows you to view LinkedIn information and Sales Navigator insights where you're already tracking your other sales activity. You can turn your contact records into rich profiles by viewing LinkedIn information directly within Salesforce.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator for Salesforce can help turn cold prospect information into closed deals quickly and efficiently. With the application, you can:

  • Find leads by searching for people on LinkedIn and view profile details including photos and current roles. You can also find new leads with Lead Recommendations.

  • Uncover the best way to get introduced through TeamLink.

  • Get Account and Lead Updates including news mentions and job changes when viewing accounts.

  • Send InMail messages, messages, and customized connection requests from within Salesforce. Track sales and business conversations stored in your Sales Navigator Inbox while sending custom connection requests or follow-up messages.

  • Save time by gathering information on LinkedIn without leaving Salesforce.

Here are a few frequently asked questions about Sales Navigator for Salesforce:

Here's a tip

Installing LinkedIn Sales Navigator for Salesforce is not the same as syncing Salesforce with Sales Navigator.