InMail messages in Sales Navigator

Last updated: 2 years ago

InMail messages are private messages that allow you to contact anyone on LinkedIn without an introduction or contact information. An InMail message can be sent from:

  • A member's profile page

    Sales Navigator page of the profile page
  • Search results in Sales Navigator

    Sales Navigator page of search results
  • Search results in your Sales Navigator inbox - You can search for a connection or a lead from your Sales Navigator inbox and send them an InMail message. From the search result, you can save a lead while sending a connection request by clicking Save and choosing a lead list.

    Sales Navigator inbox messaging

Here's a tip

If a LinkedIn member has set their privacy settings to not receive InMail messages, you won't see the option to send InMail.

In your InMail messages, you can add attachments that are up to 200 MB. However, different operating systems and internet speeds may prevent you from attaching files this large.

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