Tagged in “Conversion Tracking”

44 articles
  • Difference between first-party and third-party cookies

    Conversion Tracking

    The LinkedIn Insight Tag helps you measure actions taken on your website, like filling out a form or downloading content, after one of your ads is viewed or clicked on. It can also help you retarget members…

  • Set up and create conversions using Zapier

    Conversion Tracking

    When you connect to Zapier, you set up workflows called Zaps that stream conversions data to LinkedIn. Prerequisites In your Zap editor, the first app in your trigger setup can be any supported conversion data source that you are using to trigger a…

  • Set up a Conversions API integration in Campaign Manager

    Conversion Tracking

    Conversions API conversions are connected to LinkedIn from a server or partner platform. If you choose an API integration, you need to go through the setup steps for your data source before you set up Conversion Tracking for your conversions. …

  • LinkedIn Conversions API

    Conversion Tracking

    With Conversions API, you can connect both your online and offline data to LinkedIn so you can see how your campaigns influenced actions taken on your website, sales completed over the phone, or leads collected in-person at an event. Using…

  • Set up and create conversions using Hightouch

    Conversion Tracking

    The LinkedIn Conversions API directly connects data from Hightouch and LinkedIn. To send conversions data from Hightouch: Step 1: Select Hightouch as your source  Step 2: Create a conversion rule Step 3: Choose the campaigns you want to track…

  • Offline conversions partners

    Conversion Tracking

    You can manually upload your offline conversions data using our CSV template or using a partner integration. When you use a partner, they'll automatically send your offline conversions data to Campaign Manager. You can choose from one of…

  • Set up and create conversions using Google Tag Manager

    Conversion Tracking

    The LinkedIn Conversions API directly connects data from Google Tag Manager and LinkedIn. Prerequisites Before you set up your Google Tag Manager (GTM) integration in Campaign Manager, you’ll need to: You'll also need your LinkedIn API access token…

  • Conversion statuses in Campaign Manager

    Conversion Tracking

    Check the status of your conversions to better understand the signals received from your website.  To find your conversion status:  Related tasksSet up a Conversions API integration in Campaign ManagerTroubleshoot conversions based on the…

  • Manually upload a conversion data CSV file to Campaign Manager

    Conversion Tracking

    Manually upload a CSV file of your conversion data directly into Campaign Manager. You can download the CSV template, or you can find it in Campaign Manager. A few things to keep in mind about manually uploading your data:  This method is…

  • Share an Insight Tag across ad accounts in Campaign Manager

    LinkedIn Insight Tag and Conversion Tracking

    Tag permissions allow multiple ad accounts to use the same Insight Tag on campaigns for conversion tracking, website retargeting, and asset copying. For example, two different teams in your company advertise on LinkedIn and use separate accounts…

  • Access the partner ID for your LinkedIn Insight Tag

    Third Party Integrations, LinkedIn Insight Tag, and Conversion Tracking

    To use certain LinkedIn features like website audiences or Conversion Tracking, an Insight Tag needs to be incorporated as a component of your website's pages. To use a tag management partner to install and manage your Insight Tag, you'll need your…

  • Set up Conversion Tracking for Insight Tag conversions

    Conversion Tracking and Manage Campaigns

    You can use Insight Tag conversions, also known as online conversions, to track conversions that happen on your website. For example, a member clicks on an ad that leads to your website and then fills out a form for a demo request. Insight Tag…

  • Add conversions to existing Classic campaigns

    Conversion Tracking and Manage Campaigns

    After creating a new conversion, you can add it to an existing campaign to measure conversions for your ads. Conversions can’t be reported for ads displayed before the conversion was added to the campaign. To add conversions to existing Classic…

  • LinkedIn Conversion Tracking FAQs

    Conversion Tracking

    LinkedIn Conversion Tracking is an analytical function powered by the LinkedIn Insight Tag. Conversion tracking gathers insights into post-click and view-through conversions of your LinkedIn Ads campaigns, giving you the ability to measure the…

  • Conversions API best practices

    Conversion Tracking

    With Conversions API, you can connect both your online and offline data to LinkedIn so you can see how your campaigns influenced actions taken on your website, sales completed over the phone, or leads collected in-person at an event. Conversions API…

  • Tag management systems compatible with the LinkedIn Insight Tag

    LinkedIn Insight Tag, Third Party Integrations, and Conversion Tracking

    Tag management systems allow you to deploy and manage multiple tracking tags implemented on your website without requiring software coding. You can add the LinkedIn Insight Tag to your tag management system to control all your tags and use features…

  • Use event-specific conversion tracking with Google Tag Manager

    Conversion Tracking

    You can use tag management systems, like Google Tag Manager, to manage multiple tags added on your website in one place for conversion tracking. When you use Google Tag Manager, you'll need to: Step 1: Before you set up conversion tracking…

  • Compare Campaign Manager Conversions with Third-Party Reporting

    Conversion Tracking

    The LinkedIn Insight Tag records conversions based on the rules you implement when setting up your conversion tracking actions. However, the conversion data recorded may not match what you see on other third-party reporting platforms (example:…

  • Signal quality for Conversions API

    Conversion Tracking

    When Conversions API events are streamed to LinkedIn, we evaluate the signal quality, which is the effectiveness of matching the event to a LinkedIn profile. Signal quality is important to consider, since it can help increase conversions and improve…

  • Access your LinkedIn conversion ID for event-specific conversions

    Conversion Tracking

    Event-specific conversions help you track actions, such as a button click, taken on your website after your ad has been displayed. When you choose event-specific conversions, you might need to install code that contains a conversion ID on your…

  • LinkedIn conversion window

    Conversion Tracking

    A conversion window, also known as a lookback window, is the timeframe for when conversions are attributed to a LinkedIn ad. Advertisers can customize their conversion windows based on their reporting preferences. LinkedIn records conversions within…

  • LinkedIn conversion attribution model

    Conversion Tracking

    When setting up your conversions, you can select how each ad interaction is credited for a conversion across multiple campaigns. For most conversion types, we use the last-touch attribution model. This means, if a member converts multiple times…

  • Changes to Offline and Online Conversions in Campaign Manager

    Conversion Tracking

    At LinkedIn, we want to provide a simple and efficient experience for our members. From time to time, we review our set of features to evaluate how they're being used. Part of this process includes evolving our products to ensure the best experience…

  • Set up and create conversions using Supermetrics

    Conversion Tracking

    The LinkedIn Conversions API directly connects data from Supermetrics and LinkedIn. To send conversions data from Supermetrics: Step 1: Select Supermetrics as your source  Step 2: Create a conversion rule Step 3: Choose the campaigns you want…

  • Using modeled conversions to measure conversions for LinkedIn Ads

    Professional Identity and Conversion Tracking

    We generally measure conversions for each LinkedIn member who takes an action on your ad. However, to protect member privacy, we don’t always measure conversions at the individual member level. More specifically, we don't always use individual-level…

  • Conversions data manual upload template requirements

    Conversion Tracking

    When you choose to manually upload your external offline data to Campaign Manager, you’ll need to use our CSV template. Manual upload best practices To ensure that your CSV upload is successful, follow these document best practices: File type…

  • On-device conversion tracking for LinkedIn Ads

    Professional Identity and Conversion Tracking

    To capture the most conversions possible, we use multiple methods to track conversions for your LinkedIn ads. To protect member privacy, we limit our processing of third-party member data. One way that we protect user privacy when tracking…

  • Export LinkedIn conversion reports in Campaign Manager

    Performance Reporting and Conversion Tracking

    Download detailed conversion performance and conversion ad performance metrics for your campaign groups, campaigns, and ads in a CSV file from Campaign Manager. To export a conversion report at the campaign group, campaign, or ad level: Learn more…

  • Use Filters in Website Audiences and Conversion Tracking

    Matched Audiences and Conversion Tracking

    When creating your website audiences, you may wish to see or target all of your website visitors or subsets of your visitors. For conversion tracking, you will need to specify which pages of your site you would like to count as a conversion. You can…

  • Conversion tracking event types on LinkedIn

    Conversion Tracking

    When you set up conversion tracking to measure the results of your LinkedIn ads, you need to choose a conversion event type. Select the conversion type that best describes the action your website or app visitors will complete…

  • LinkedIn Conversion Tracking reporting and metrics

    Performance Reporting and Conversion Tracking

    In Campaign Manager, you can see the following metrics in the Conversion & Leads view at the campaign groups level, campaign level, and ads level to help you understand your conversion performance. To find your Conversions & Leads view, go…

  • LinkedIn Conversion Tracking

    LinkedIn Insight Tag and Conversion Tracking

    With LinkedIn Conversion Tracking, you can share your important customer actions with LinkedIn to better understand how your ads helped drive conversions. There are two main types of conversions for Conversion Tracking: Insight Tag…

  • Set up and create conversions using Adobe

    Conversion Tracking

    The LinkedIn Conversions API directly connects data from Adobe and LinkedIn. To send conversions data from Adobe:  Step 1: Select Adobe as your source  Step 2: Create a conversion rule Step 3: Choose the campaigns you want to track with…

  • Delete your LinkedIn conversions in Campaign Manager

    Conversion Tracking

    You can delete your ad account’s conversions from your Conversion tracking page in Campaign Manager.  To delete a conversion:  Related tasks  Set up LinkedIn Conversion Tracking  Review and edit your LinkedIn conversions in…

  • Deduplication for Conversion Tracking

    Conversion Tracking

    When setting up your conversion tracking methods, we recommend that you send events through both a website tag, such as the Insight Tag or the image pixel, and Conversions API for increased reliability and a more complete view of the customer…

  • Edit your LinkedIn conversions in Campaign Manager

    Conversion Tracking

    You can view and edit your ad account’s conversions from your Conversion tracking page in Campaign Manager. To edit your conversions in Campaign Manager:  Related tasks Learn more Sign in to Campaign Manager. If you need to switch accounts…