Set up and create conversions using Zapier third-party integrations

Last updated: 2 weeks ago

You can connect Zapier directly from LinkedIn with the selected third-party apps listed below to automatically connect your data to Campaign Manager.

Use Zapier to set up integrations with: 

  • HubSpot 
  • Salesforce 
  • Marketo 
  • ActiveCampaign 
  • Dynamics 365 
  • Pipedrive 
  • Zoho

For any other data sources that you want to connect with LinkedIn for sending conversions, you can set up a connection from Zapier.

Here's a tip

Starting April 2, 2024, you can send conversions to LinkedIn from Zapier and Zapier third-party integrations for free, subject to Zapier’s terms and conditions. Learn more about this offer in the Zapier Help Center.


Before you set up your Zapier partner integration in Campaign Manager, you’ll need to: 

  1. Set up a Zapier account. 

  2. Have an account for the third-party application that’ll be your conversion source. Keep in mind, it must have the relevant entities that are required for triggering LinkedIn Conversions API events.

Here's a tip

We recommend reviewing the Automation basics page on Zapier’s quick start guide before setting up your integration.

To send conversions data from a Zapier third-party app integration:

Step 1: Create a Conversions API conversion 

  1. Sign in to Campaign Manager.

  2. If you need to switch accounts, click the account name in the upper-left corner of the page and select the correct account name from the dropdown.  

  3. Click Analyze on the left menu, then click Conversion tracking.

  4. Click the Create conversion dropdown menu and select Conversions API or CSV conversion.

  5. Name your conversion rule. This name will only be visible in Campaign Manager.

  6. Click the Define the key conversion behavior you want to track dropdown menu and select a behavior (for example, Download or Sign up).

  7. Optional: Below Set the value of the conversion, add a monetary value for your conversion.

  8. Optional: To update the Timeframe and Attribution model, click Edit next to Advanced Settings

    • Click the dropdown menus below Clicks and Views to select a time frame for when your clicks and views can be counted. 
    • Below Select the attribution model to specify how each ad interaction is credited, use the dropdown menu to select either Last Touch - Each campaign or Last Touch - Last campaign
    • After making your Advanced Settings updates, click Save changes.
  9. Click Next step

Step 2: Select a Zapier integration as your source and connect to Campaign Manager 

  1. Select an integration through Zapier, then click Next step. For example, you can choose HubSpot via Zapier to connect HubSpot.

  2. If you haven’t set up a Zapier integration, follow the instructions in the pop-up windows to connect your account. You’ll need to: 

    1. Click Accept and continue to agree to share your name and email address with Zapier. 
    2. Log in to your existing Zapier account (or create a new Zapier account) and authorize the Zapier connection (including granting LinkedIn access to data from your Zapier account.  
    3. Click Connect to connect your Campaign Manager account to Zapier, then click Allow to complete. 
    4. If you’re connecting to a third-party app through Zapier, click Connect a new <integration name> account and follow the on-screen instructions to complete set up.

You can then connect to the following third-party apps through Zapier: 

  • HubSpot 
  • Salesforce 
  • Marketo 
  • ActiveCampaign 
  • Dynamics 365 
  • Pipedrive 
  • Zoho

Step 3: Set up the data to send to the conversion 

After you’ve integrated a Zapier third-party app integration, you need to set up your data to send to the conversion.

  1. Click the dropdown menu below Select trigger and select your trigger.

  2. Click the dropdown menu below Select the <integration name> account with the trigger and select the account. 

  3. Optional: In the Trigger advanced settings section, click the dropdown menus to choose additional information for better matching results. To improve the signal quality and performance for Conversions API integrations, we recommend adding information to as many matching parameters as possible. The options in advanced settings will change depending on the integration you choose. 

  4. Click the Test trigger button to confirm that your integration was successful.

  5. In the Action section, click the dropdown menus to map the relevant fields and parameters in your trigger application to be used for matching. Learn more about Conversions API best practices.

  6. Click Next step

Here's a tip

To edit your integration, click Change next to your selected integration on the Sources page. To update the data that is streamed, you’ll need to go to the Zapier website. 

Step 4: Choose the campaigns you want to track with the conversion 

  1. Select the checkboxes next to the campaigns where you’d like to apply your conversion.  

    • To find a specific campaign, use the search bar at the top or filter using the Campaign status dropdown menu.
  2. Click Create

Step 5: Check the status of your conversion 

After you’ve set up your Zapier integration, and you’re now streaming data to the conversion rule, you can check the status in Campaign Manager to help ensure that it’s set up correctly and receiving data. 

  1. On your Conversion Tracking page in Campaign Manager, find your conversion rule. 

  2. Check the Status column. 

  3. If the status is Unverified, check that your connection is set up correctly in Zapier and that the conversion events are being sent to LinkedIn. 

Here's a tip

The time it takes for the status to update depends on the type of conversion. Check the status based on the typical frequency of the conversion event. 

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