Conversions data manual upload template requirements

Last updated: 4 months ago

When you choose to manually upload your external offline data to Campaign Manager, you’ll need to use our CSV template.

CSV template for uploading conversion data

Connect to your offline data using this template.

CSV Template

Manual upload best practices

To ensure that your CSV upload is successful, follow these document best practices: 

  • File type must be CSV. 
  • Columns can be in any order, but the column names must be unedited from the template. 
  • At least 10% of the rows need to follow the format below. Rows that don’t have the required format won’t be processed. 
  • Maximum file size is 20 MB or 300,000 rows. 
  • The @ symbol can only be used in the email column.

Here's a tip

If available, use both email and first and last name, as this will increase your match rates. For optional fields, you can leave the column empty or remove it entirely.

Template requirements

Required Column name Details
At least one email
  • Can either be hashed (SHA-256) or unhashed. Must not include salting.
  • If you don’t track emails, use the firstname and lastname columns instead.
firstname and lastname
  • Keep firstname and lastname as two separate columns, but both must be included.
  • First and last names have a 35-character maximum.
  • If you don’t track names, use the email column instead.
 Optional employeecompany Enter the member's employer company.
 Optional title Enter the member's job title.
 Optional country Use a two-letter country code, such as US, JP, or BR.
 Required timestamp

Date must be in the past, but no more than 90 days old. If you don’t have date information, use yesterday’s date. Use one of the following formats:

  • June 18, 2020
  • 18 June 2020
  • MM/DD/YYYY format, such as 06/18/2020
  • Epoch time in milliseconds. For example, 12/31/2020 1:00:00 PM GMT is 1609419600000
  • Abbreviated month names, such as Dec 31, 2020
 Required eventtype
  • Choose from our list of conversion event types, making sure to include the underscore where shown. If none of the event types apply, enter other.
  • The event type named in your CSV upload file must match the event type you choose during conversion creation in Campaign Manager. 


 Required amount  
  • Don't include currency symbols or negative numbers.
  • Numbers can include commas and decimals up to the hundredth place, such as 2,000.23.
  • If you don’t track revenue, use 1 as a placeholder. Amount can’t be 0 or blank.
 Required currency
  • Use the ISO three-letter currency code, such as USD, EUR, or CAD. If you don't track this information, use an ISO currency code placeholder.
  • The currency used in the template must be the same as the ad account currency. 

Important to know

Conversions using a CSV document are limited to 90 days. If you upload a conversion with a date older than 90 days, the row won’t be processed.

Example template

Once you’ve completed your template, check that the required columns are filled out correctly. For example:

Example CSV template for Offline Conversions data

External data privacy

  • Data is held for a maximum of 180 days and then erased. The only data that persists is the aggregate conversion reporting in Campaign Manager. 

  • Data that you upload is stored in LinkedIn’s servers in the United States. Email addresses are hashed using SHA256. 

  • We don’t use this data for anything beyond matching, ad relevance optimization, and aggregate reporting on your ad conversions.

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