Tagged in “Share Content”

59 articles
  • LinkedIn Top Voices

    Post and Share Content

    Top Voices Badging (Blue Badge)Members on the platform have the ability to earn a blue LinkedIn Top Voice badge by invitation only, featuring senior-level experts and leaders.LinkedIn Top VoicesTop Voices is an invitation-only program featuring a…

  • Manage who can follow you settings

    Share Content

    While your 1st-degree connections automatically follow your posts and articles, anyone can follow you, even if they're not in your network. You can limit followers to only your 1st-degree connections from the Settings & Privacy page. You can…

  • Add images, cover images, and other rich media to your article

    Post and Share Content

    When writing articles on LinkedIn, you can use images, videos, and other rich media like Instagram images and tweets in the body of your article (inserting tables isn’t currently possible). Notes:GIFs can no longer be used for the cover photos.The…

  • Publish articles on LinkedIn

    Post and Share Content

    All members and admins (super admins or content admins of a LinkedIn Page) have the ability to publish articles about their expertise and interests. Articles are displayed in the Activity section of your profile. It’s shared with your connections…

  • Media file types supported on LinkedIn

    Post and Share Content

    You can post and share media files on LinkedIn, to enhance your post and further engage with your audience. The following file formats of media samples are supported: Image Document Video Audio Notes: By showcasing samples of your skills and work…

  • Recent changes to top demographics of unique views

    Post and Share Content

    At LinkedIn, we’re always working to provide valuable analytics to our creators, and have been building more tools for creators. We’re also always working to maintain member anonymity while viewing posts, and recently made changes to our…

  • Share articles or links

    Share Content

    You can share relevant articles or links with your network using the share box at the top of your LinkedIn homepage. You can share an article on your feed directly from the article page. Learn more To share an article or a link from your homepage:…

  • LinkedIn content sharing FAQ

    Pages Posts, Q & A, and Share Content

    As a Page super or content admin, you can import posts from your organization’s RSS feeds, to share in a post directly on your Page. Content sharing can help you efficiently post your content from external web sources to your LinkedIn Page and grow…

  • Analytics and tools

    Performance Reporting, Reporting, Share Content, and Post

    Analytics & tools is a central location to access tools and resources for all members. With Analytics & tools, you can: Measure your performance. This includes creator analytics (such as combined post analytics and audience analytics), as…

  • Manage, share, or duplicate LinkedIn article drafts

    Share Content and Post

    Your article is automatically saved as a draft as soon as you start writing. You can access your saved draft at any time to edit, publish, or delete it.You can share drafts of your articles with other members to get feedback on the content, before…

  • View your creator analytics

    Post and Share Content

    All LinkedIn members have access to creator analytics, which includes: Note: Selecting a custom date range is not available at this time. Learn more Combined post analytics- shows how your content (including short form posts, images, videos, events…

  • LinkedIn Newsletter access criteria

    Post and Share Content

    A newsletter is a set of regularly published articles on LinkedIn, typically about a specific topic. You can create a newsletter as yourself or as a LinkedIn Page. MembersAll LinkedIn members have access to create a newsletter on LinkedIn…

  • LinkedIn Newsletters

    Share Content and Post

    All LinkedIn members have the ability to create a newsletter about their expertise and interests. Follow the instructions below to create your newsletter. To create a newsletter: You can leverage newsletters on LinkedIn to talk about a professional…

  • Make your website shareable on LinkedIn

    Share Content

    If you'd like people to be able to share your site's content on LinkedIn, the source code on your site needs to comply with certain requirements. If you're not the developer for your website, we recommend contacting your site's developer and asking…

  • Newsletters on LinkedIn FAQ

    Post and Share Content

    Important notes about newsletter access:Members who meet the newsletter access criteria will be able to create a newsletter.To check whether you have access, visit your Analytics & tools to find Newsletters under the Creator tools section. If…

  • Follow and connect on LinkedIn

    Share Content

    Connections and FollowsConnections are members who connect on LinkedIn because you both know and trust each other. If you're connected to someone, you'll both be able to see each other's shares and updates on your LinkedIn feed. You can also send…

  • Turn off and limit comments on posts

    Share Content

    You can turn off member comments on posts you’ve shared either before or after sharing a post. If comments are turned off after you share a post, any existing comments on that post will not be deleted. You can also limit who can comment on your post…

  • Embed content within an article on LinkedIn

    Post and Share Content

    The LinkedIn Publishing platform allows you to embed public content from LinkedIn and other sources in your article. Embedded content will be publicly available once added to your article draft. Types of embedded content: LinkedIn Posts You can…

  • Create posts with our AI-powered writing tool

    Post and Share Content

    You can now create a draft post with an AI-powered writing tool that will take your ideas on a topic and quickly transform them into a first draft. The more details you provide, the better your draft will be. You will have ultimate control and…

  • LinkedIn Newsletters best practices

    Share Content and Post

    Here are some best practices to help you create an engaging newsletter and reach a wider audience. Related Tasks Learn More Choose a name for your newsletter that describes a clear theme that your audience can understand. Upload a logo for your…

  • Create posts with post ideas

    Post and Share Content

    You can now choose what your next post should be about with tailored ideas based on your work experience listed on your profile. The post ideas are generated by AI and refreshed twice a week. Learn moreBest practices for content created with the…

  • Manage a newsletter on LinkedIn

    Newsletters for Pages, Post, and Share Content

    As a newsletter author, you get to write about a professional topic you care about on a regular basis. Members can subscribe to your newsletter to receive updates when you publish something new. The most engaging newsletters specifically address a…

  • Analytics for LinkedIn members

    Post and Share Content

    All LinkedIn members have access to the following analytics: Learn more Post analytics for your content Combined post analytics Audience analytics Access the Who's viewed your profile feature View your profile search appearances Who's viewed your…

  • Getting started with content creation on LinkedIn

    Share Content

    Check out our Content Creator’s Guide to get the most out of LinkedIn. This guide will help you optimize your LinkedIn presence so that your content can reach the right audience on the platform. You’ll get everything you need to get started with…

  • Visibility of shared posts

    Post and Share Content

    The visibility of posts and engagement activity that appear in the main feed and profile may vary depending on the visibility option that the author has selected for the post. You can't change the visibility option after you've shared your post. The…

  • Use Post Inspector to refresh URL

    Share Content

    When you post, message, or write an article with a URL, the preview window may show an old image that is cached. This means that if you have shared the same URL before, the image might already have been stored in the cache and that's what you see…

  • Share photos or videos

    Share Content, Post, and Media

    You can share photos and videos with your network using the share box at the top of the LinkedIn homepage, a Group, or a LinkedIn Page. The photo requirements are: For multi-photo posts,Images will render a max ratio of 4:5 (e.g., 640 (w) x 800 (h)…

  • Information collected when you subscribe to a newsletter

    Post and Share Content

    LinkedIn has engaged with individuals from a wide variety of industries to be a part of our newsletter program. When you subscribe to a newsletter, you receive updates in your news feed when the author posts a new article or post. Depending on your…

  • Mention people in your posts

    Post and Share Content

    Mentioning a connection or other members encourages engagement with your posts and comments. Connections or other members mentioned get notified about the post or comment. A post or comment is associated with a connection’s or other member’s profile…

  • Carousels on LinkedIn (No longer available)

    Basics, Share Content, Post, and Media

    Starting on December 14th, 2023, we’ll be removing all carousels from LinkedIn. As a result, any posts that contained a carousel will no longer be available.

  • Add a clickable link to your posts (No longer available)

    Share Content, Post, and Media

    The ability to embed clickable links within images or videos is no longer available.If you previously embedded clickable links within any image or video, please note that your content will remain, but the clickable link will no longer work. You can…

  • Add a title to your uploaded documents

    Share Content, Post, and Media

    Your document uploads on LinkedIn should include a title to ensure that your audience understands the content that you’re sharing. Your document’s title should be clear, concise, and accurately describe the content. You’ll be prompted for a title…

  • Admin approval error message for sharing documents from the cloud

    Share Content, Post, and Media

    You can upload documents to a post on LinkedIn from your computer or directly from your cloud account with Dropbox or OneDrive. If your cloud account is corporate-owned, you may encounter an error message that you need admin approval to proceed. To…

  • Upload and share documents on LinkedIn

    Share Content, Post, and Media

    You can upload documents to a post on LinkedIn from your homepage, Group, or LinkedIn Page. We recommend that you share documents that include topics such as career advice, culture stories, insights & trends, event content, and knowledge sharing…

  • Add alternative text to images for accessibility

    Share Content, Post, and Media

    You can add alternative text (Alt.text) to the images you share on your feed or embed in articles. This allows members using voice-over screen readers to understand what’s in the image (alt-text won’t be visible to members not using screen readers)…

  • Auto captions for videos on LinkedIn

    Custom Content, Share Content, Post, and Media

    When you upload a video on LinkedIn, you can choose to have captions be automatically generated, saving you time, and helping you engage a broader audience. Notes: Learn more To add auto captions to your video:   To review and edit auto…

  • Sharing a Video on LinkedIn – FAQ

    Share Content, Post, and Media

    Check out some of our frequently asked questions below to learn more about sharing a video on LinkedIn. Learn more about supported file types and troubleshooting for video uploads. Your existing settings on what you share also applies to video…

  • Troubleshooting issues sharing URLs

    Share Content

    You can share links in your updates from the share box on your LinkedIn homepage. Learn more URLs with spaces in them can't be shared on LinkedIn and will result in an error. To make the URL shareable on LinkedIn, you can ask the website owner to…

  • Tips for writing articles on LinkedIn

    Post and Share Content

    Your articles should share your professional expertise. Articles are different from updates because they are longer, in-depth pieces where you can write about challenges you've faced, opportunities you've seized, or important trends in your industry…

  • Share a LinkedIn post on X (Twitter) is no longer available

    Share Content

    The option to link an X (Twitter) account to your LinkedIn account is no longer available. When sharing a post, you can control who sees it from the share box. To share LinkedIn content to X (Twitter), you can do so manually through the X (Twitter)…

  • Share content on LinkedIn Best Practices

    Share Content

    LinkedIn provides a great platform for its members to share their professional expertise, experiences, and anecdotes with their connections, the larger LinkedIn community, and people who aren’t within their network. We also encourage our members to…

  • Distribution of your content on LinkedIn

    Managing Content and Share Content

    LinkedIn focuses on building a relevant feed that encourages members to engage with people and topics that they value. You can share various types of updates (including photos, videos, or documents), publish your own articles, or reshare other…

  • LinkedIn Publishing Platform FAQ

    Post and Share Content

    The LinkedIn Publishing Platform allows members and admins (super admins or content admins) of a LinkedIn Page to write, edit, and share articles on LinkedIn. To write and publish articles on LinkedIn, you can use the article publishing tool…

  • How to repost on LinkedIn

    Post and Share Content

    You can repost existing public posts from other members or LinkedIn Pages and add your own ideas or questions to share with your network. You can either repost on LinkedIn or send it in a private message to specific individual(s). You can now repost…

  • Save a post as a draft

    Share Content

    You can save your post as a draft by clicking the Cancel button at the end of the post and share content process on LinkedIn. Learn more To save your post as a draft: Notes: The draft of your post will auto-populate for editing and sharing when…

  • LinkedIn Polls

    LinkedIn Polls and Share Content

    The LinkedIn Polls feature helps you engage with other members by asking them for their perspectives about various topics. Polls help you understand trends and opinions and can be a great conversation starter. The poll author can select the…

  • Create LinkedIn Polls

    LinkedIn Polls, Post, and Share Content

    You can create a poll from LinkedIn’s homepage. If you’re an Admin of a LinkedIn Page or a LinkedIn Group you can create a poll directly from the Page or group’s homepage. Learn morePost and share updatesLinkedIn Page features for admins and…

  • Visibility of mentions and tags

    Share Content

    When you mention or tag a member within an update on LinkedIn, you can select the audience who will see your update from the share box. Here are some other tips on updates with mentions or tags: Note: A member won’t receive a notification about the…

  • Label post as brand partnership

    Share Content

    If you share content in an exchange for value (including monetary payment, endorsements, free products or services, or other benefit), you must label the post as a brand partnership and comply with our Advertising Policies and applicable local laws…

  • Edit your published articles on LinkedIn

    Post and Share Content

    All members and admins (super admins or content admins of a LinkedIn Page) have the ability to publish articles about their expertise and interests. Articles are displayed in the Activity section of your profile. You can edit an article even after…

  • Delete an article or a draft

    Share Content and Post

    You can delete a published article or its draft on our publishing platform. Once you delete your article or draft, it won't be available on LinkedIn and we won't be able to retrieve the content of your article. Additionally, we'll no longer…

  • View all your articles

    Share Content

    You can view your published articles on our publishing platform. Learn more To view your articles: To view your articles from your profile: To view your articles: Publish articles on LinkedIn Click  Write article at the top of your…

  • Short URLs in shared posts

    Share Content

    When you share a link that's longer than 26 characters, we automatically shorten it once you click Post, to make it easier to read. You can add text to your post either before or after the URL. If you're sharing an article and there’s no text after…

  • Post and share content on LinkedIn

    Post and Share Content

    Important: Your membership and use of our services are subject to the LinkedIn User Agreement and Professional Community Policies. Members are expected to refrain from dishonest or unprofessional behavior where posts include inappropriate…

  • Difference between posts, articles, reposts, and newsletters

    Post and Share Content

    Members have several ways to share content on and off LinkedIn. Here are some definitions of terms you will see: Learn more Posts are content shared through the LinkedIn feed. This content may consist of a wide range of information that may be of…

  • Show or hide Top Voice Badge on your profile

    Post, Share Content, and Your Profile

    You can earn one of two versions of Top Voices badge on your profile, either as part of the LinkedIn Top Voices or the Community Top Voices programs. You can show or hide the Top Voice Badge that is shown on your profile. Learn more To show or hide…

  • Unable to retrieve deleted articles

    Post and Share Content

    Once you've deleted an article from LinkedIn, it’ll no longer exist on our platform and we won’t be able to retrieve it. This includes drafts and articles you’ve published. It's possible that Google search results cached a version of your article…

  • Manage comments on articles

    Post and Share Content

    Members can comment on published articles that have enabled comments. Comments are a great way for members to engage with other professionals on topics that matter the most to them. Friendly discussions and respectful debates are encouraged…

  • Manage the visibility of articles published on LinkedIn

    Post and Share Content

    When you post an article, you can control who can see it by updating your public profile settings. If you’d like your articles to be shown only to LinkedIn members, switch the Articles and Activity section to Hide. If you’d like your articles to be…