Restore your Premium subscription

Last updated: 4 months ago

Important to know

We are gradually making this feature available, and you might not have access to it at this time. The feature is not available on the LinkedIn mobile app.

Directly Access your My Premium Page

Utilize LinkedIn's My Premium page to manage your Premium subscription and view all the Premium features you have available

Access the My Premium page

After you cancel your LinkedIn Premium Subscription, your plan will expire at the end of your current billing cycle. However, you can restore your LinkedIn Premium subscription before the end of your current billing cycle.

To restore your Premium subscription:

  1. Click the   Me icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage. 

  2. Click Premium features from the dropdown.

    • You’ll be redirected to your My Premium page.
  3. Click Restore subscription under My Premium section near the top of the page.

  4. Click Restore subscription from the pop-up window to restore your Premium subscription.


  • You will be charged every month/year at your previously agreed rate.

  • You can't restore your subscription, if you've cancelled your subscription twice after restoring it in the past.

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