Voxtree - Global Communications Consultancy

Voxtree - Global Communications Consultancy

Professional Training and Coaching

Think, write and talk global

About us

What you say and how you say it makes a huge difference in business. Today's savvy consumers want to be engaged by lively, creative communications, not the boring old corporate-speak of the past. If you want to change the way your business communicates, we can help you do it and do it well. Voxtree offers a mix of consultancy, training and copywriting services to help your business connect with people right across the globe, taking into account cultural, generational and sector considerations. We're a modern, forward-thinking company with an eye on the latest trends. This means you can leave the wordy stuff to us, and get on with what you do best.

Professional Training and Coaching
Company size
2-10 employees
Public Company
Training, International Communications, Copywriting, and Presentation Skills

Employees at Voxtree - Global Communications Consultancy


  • View profile for Neil Stoneham, graphic

    Managing Director at Voxtree - Global Communications Consultancy

    It sounds odd, but part of me is a little disappointed when I submit a proposal and the reaction is: “yeah, great, let’s go ahead.” Why is this? You’d think that would be music to the ears of anyone who provides a service for a living! But it’s bitter-sweet. Here’s why… There’s no negotiation. That might mean the pricing could have been higher or that we’re giving away too much. Or it could mean that the client is so keen to work with us, they’ll pay anything! But it’s usually the former, I suspect. I’m certainly not advocating that we try to fleece clients and overcharge. Pricing is one of the greatest challenges in business and it’s difficult to get right. Go too high, and the client walks. Go too low and the client suspects that your service standards might reflect that (and you probably _are_ giving too much away!) When negotiation happens, not only does it mean that you’re about to (hopefully) come to a win-win deal, it’s also fun! I’ve got better at it over the years and share what I’ve learned on my negotiation skills courses. But I’m interested to hear what your challenges are when it comes to pricing products or services? Even better, what are your solutions? #negotiationskills #pricing

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  • View profile for Neil Stoneham, graphic

    Managing Director at Voxtree - Global Communications Consultancy

    Lots of people are worried about losing their jobs to AI. ✨ It’s understandable. In the past, it was the manual jobs that were replaced by machines. Now it’s the ‘intellectual’ workers who are under threat. The threat in some ways is over-hyped. But potentially under-hyped, too! What to do? Let’s address the ‘over-hype’ first. When it comes to soft skills – or Human Intelligence (AI) – such as communication, leadership, negotiation, etc., AI is nowhere near sophisticated enough to replace humans. For that we need to reach ‘AI Singularity’ (look it up, it’s scary!) So, humans who excel at soft skills still have the edge. What’s more, you can use AI to boost those skills. People who are creative, analytical, agile, emotionally intelligent…you’re going to be good for the next few years at least. But you need to be well-versed in using AI, too. HI and AI in perfect synergy will put you ahead. Which brings me to the under-hype. What if AI tech moves so fast that ‘Singularity’ becomes reality sooner rather than later? Truth is, nobody knows. But my take is that people will still want to engage with people. The pandemic showed us that we still crave genuine human connection, even when tech has a big part to play. So, let’s be positive. Build that AI-busting Human Intelligence now, so you’ll still be in demand in the years ahead.  #singularity #artificialintelligence

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  • View profile for Neil Stoneham, graphic

    Managing Director at Voxtree - Global Communications Consultancy

    I'm having too much fun on TikTok! This time, I tried something a bit more humorous, but with a serious message behind it. And I think it's a message that a lot of people on LinkedIn need to hear! Link in the comments if you want to see the video :) [no need to be on TikTok to see it] #tiktok #communicationskills #businesscliches

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  • View profile for Neil Stoneham, graphic

    Managing Director at Voxtree - Global Communications Consultancy

    International schools are so often bustling with energy and diversity. Students, teachers and parents come from a variety of backgrounds and cultures, which makes these kind of institutions fascinating places to work. But it also comes with communication challenges, especially when emotions run high. This was a key challenge for administration managers at my alma mater Bangkok Patana School. To help solve this issue, I recently conducted a couple of one-day workshops on the topic of ‘Powerful Communication”. We covered: 💥 Understanding your audience and creating a focused objective 💥 How to communicate clearly and concisely 💥 Dealing with conflict and difficult conversations 💥 Using Generative AI tools to enhance communication strategy It’s amazing how many challenging situations can be avoided with the right approach. And there are plenty of effective techniques you can employ right away that will calm a tough situation and lead swiftly to a resolution. Thanks to Pasupit Ditbanjong, Preedawan Bathtong and Cheryl Rego for organising and having me back! #communicationstraining #internationalschools

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  • View profile for Neil Stoneham, graphic

    Managing Director at Voxtree - Global Communications Consultancy

    How do you engage your stakeholders in a world of so much noise and confusion?! This was the topic we covered in our latest workshop for British Chamber of Commerce Thailand (BCCT) last week. Clarity, purpose and understanding your audience lay at the foundations of engaging communication. We built on that with the science of storytelling, the art of persuasion and how to write it all in a clear and compelling way. To me, the ability to engage is an essential skill in business. Yet so many managers see it as a nice-to-have. But think about it. If you want your people to program computers, you train them. If you want your people to operate complex machinery, you train them. If want your people to deal effectively with other people....? Well, you get the idea! Good to see representatives from Lucy Electric, Alliance Laundry Systems LLC, CBRE Asia Pacific, BDO, and Intrepid Travel. Companies who do get it!

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  • View profile for Neil Stoneham, graphic

    Managing Director at Voxtree - Global Communications Consultancy

    Enjoyed delivering the first module of our Leadership Transformation program for Vinarco Group of Companies in Bangkok last week. Both new and experienced managers shared experiences, challenges and opportunities when navigating the complex landscape of business. What does it mean to be a modern, agile leader? How do we lead in a VUCA world? And how on earth do you manage a cyber attack, affecting staff, customers and the company's reputation? We covered all this and more in a day of discussion, activities and role-play. Lots of inspiration and energy from this cohort. Looking forward to delivering module 2 next month!

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  • View profile for Neil Stoneham, graphic

    Managing Director at Voxtree - Global Communications Consultancy

    Do you dare enter the 🦈 Shark Tank? The business reality TV show inspired this half-day ‘energiser’ session in Bangkok last week. APAC regional sales managers from Alliance Laundry Systems LLC had gathered for a conference to discuss plans for 2024. After two days of PowerPoints and brainstorming, management wanted to boost morale with a challenge. Something that would stretch the imaginations of the sales team as they aimed to boost revenue for Q1. The result was the ‘Fast-Start Challenge’: 4 teams competing to present the most creative Q1 sales initiative. Each team had to impress three demanding bosses with an engaging pitch, but with a twist – no PowerPoints, and a ‘curve ball’ that made the challenge more interesting. One team had to include a song, another a joke, another a drawing. Everyone had to contribute to pitching, too. I was impressed with how every sales manager entered into the spirit of the challenge. We had a lot of fun! And each pitch was lively and creative, with brilliant ideas that can be used in the real world. All those away-day team building programs may have some impact. But I much prefer these kinds of challenges. You get all the benefits of team building but with added relevance to the actual work of the business. Thanks to the team at ALS for being good sports! I had a great time 😀

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  • View profile for Neil Stoneham, graphic

    Managing Director at Voxtree - Global Communications Consultancy

    Can you spot the problem with this ‘photograph’? 👀 There’s a lot of buzz about Generative AI at the moment. Some of it justified, especially when we use it to inspire ideas and create engaging content. But it is not perfect by any means. Next week, I’m launching a new training program for international school administrators and have commissioned a designer to create a pdf brochure. Trouble is, there aren’t many pictures of ‘international school administrators’ on the usual stock image platforms. And I don’t own the copyright on suitable photographs you might find on international school websites. So, I used Firefly – the image generator from Adobe – to create a few school-related pics. Here is the result of one prompt: ‘smiling students in an international school’. On the surface, it’s a pleasingly positive image. But look closer, and you’ll see why the picture is totally unusable. I think this demonstrates an important message for people new to Generative AI. It can be an incredibly useful tool. But don’t be fooled by the shiny-looking surface. Creating content using AI needs work after the tool creates the initial results. Make sure you take a closer look before putting the content out there. My eagle-eyed designer did a great job of alerting me to the image’s flaws. I’ll certainly remember to take a closer look next time!

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  • View profile for Neil Stoneham, graphic

    Managing Director at Voxtree - Global Communications Consultancy

    Happy New Year! 🎉 As we launch ourselves into the challenges of 2024, I thought I’d offer three quick reflections on issues facing businesses in the battle for growth and survival. 💻 Get with the AI programme The noise and excitement surrounding generative AI (e.g., ChatGPT) is in danger of being overblown. But, as the tech rapidly develops in sophistication, the companies that survive will learn how to embrace it to improve functions in all areas, from administration to inspiration. Many people are worried they will lose their jobs because of AI. But, as Professor Richard Baldwin at the Geneva Graduate Institute in Switzerland, said: "AI won't take your job. It is somebody using AI that will take your job." 🙋♂️ People before profits It goes without saying that profit margins are critical for every business. But the focus on people, and people development, is rightly being seen as a priority for most organisations. Competition for talent is raising the game for managers, forcing them to think carefully about how they treat and train their staff. Interesting times. 😌 Stability is a true luxury We’ve heard lots about managing business in a VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous) world. With geopolitics affecting everything from inflation to food security, VUCA is not going away any time soon, sadly. We must accept that being agile and able to pivot quickly is a necessity. Luckily, us flawed humans are brilliant at adapting (see pandemic), so it’s good to build that into your strategy. Whatever happens, 2024 is guaranteed to be interesting. I wish you all success and prosperity as we begin to navigate it!

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