Trefi Smart Towns Cymru

Trefi Smart Towns Cymru

Technology, Information and Internet

Cynllun Llywodraeth Cymru i annog a hwyluso trefi SMART Welsh Government project to encourage and facilitate SMART towns

About us

Introducing Smart Towns Cymru, a Welsh government funded project dedicated to supporting towns, businesses, and communities across Wales through the power of smart solutions. Aligned with the transforming towns agenda, this project aims to support communities across Wales in embracing and harnessing new technology. 🙌 At Smart Towns Cymru, we offer support and expert guidance to towns, businesses and decision makers at any stage of their smart journey. Our program includes a range of informative webinars, workshops, and networking opportunities, plus we can offer bespoke events to support the aims of your town or community 🌟 Our mission is to empower communities throughout Wales with the knowledge that utilizing data for decision-making can have many advantages from greater efficiency to reduced costs, increased collaboration and many more. Together, we can explore the vast potential of this exciting field. Join us now in creating smarter, more prosperous future! 🎉 -------------- Mae Trefi Smart Cymru yn brosiect wedi’i ariannu gan Lywodraeth Cymru i gefnogi trefi, busnesau a chymunedau ledled Cymru drwy bŵer datrysiadau clyfar. Yn unol â’r agenda trawsnewid trefi, nod y prosiect hwn yw cefnogi cymunedau ledled Cymru i gofleidio a harneisio technoleg newydd. 🙌 Yn Trefi Smart Cymru, rydym yn cynnig cymorth ac arweiniad arbenigol i drefi, busnesau a’r rhai sy’n gwneud penderfyniadau ar unrhyw gam o’u taith Smart. Mae ein rhaglen yn cynnwys ystod amrywiol o weminarau llawn gwybodaeth, gweithdai, a chyfleoedd rhwydweithio, a gallwn gynnig digwyddiadau pwrpasol i gefnogi nodau eich tref neu gymuned 🌟 Ein cenhadaeth yw grymuso cymunedau ledled Cymru gyda’r wybodaeth y gall defnyddio data ar gyfer gwneud penderfyniadau fod â llawer o fanteision o fwy o effeithlonrwydd i leihau costau, mwy o gydweithio a llawer mwy. Gyda’n gilydd, gallwn archwilio potensial helaeth y maes cyffrous hwn. Ymunwch â ni nawr i greu dyfodol mwy Smart a mwy llewyrchus! 🎉

Technology, Information and Internet
Company size
2-10 employees
smart towns, internet of things, data, smart cities, smart island, innovation, technology, and wifianalytics

Employees at Trefi Smart Towns Cymru


  • 📢 Smarter Businesses: A Series of Workshops to Empower Your Business Are you looking to make your business smarter, more efficient, and better connected to your local community? If so, you're in the right place! We are thrilled to announce a series of online workshops designed to support you and your local business with insights from industry leaders. These sessions are crafted to help you harness the power of data, technology, and strategic planning to drive growth, boost efficiency, and thrive in today's competitive market. 💡 Smart Towns for Smarter Businesses 03/10 @ 5:00 PM Kiki Rees-Stavros ⭐ Exploring the Night Time Economy 15/10 @ 10:00 AM Anna Edwards 🤝 How Decision Makers Can Support Businesses 24/10 @ 2:00 PM Medi Parry-Williams 🛍 Making the High Street Work for Businesses 14/11 @ 5:00 PM Medi Parry-Williams For all details and to book your space, click the link below; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 📢 Busnesau Doethach: Cyfres o Weithdai i Grymuso Eich Busnes Ydych chi'n bwriadu gwneud eich busnes yn gallach, yn fwy effeithlon, ac wedi'i gysylltu'n well â'ch cymuned leol? Os felly, rydych chi yn y lle iawn! Mae’n bleser gennym gyhoeddi cyfres o weithdai ar-lein sydd wedi’u cynllunio i’ch cefnogi chi a’ch busnes lleol gyda mewnwelediadau gan arweinwyr diwydiant. Mae'r sesiynau hyn wedi'u crefftio i'ch helpu chi i harneisio pŵer data, technoleg, a chynllunio strategol i ysgogi twf, hybu effeithlonrwydd, a ffynnu yn y farchnad gystadleuol heddiw. 💡 Trefi Smart ar gyfer Busnesau Doethach 03/10 @ 5:00 PM ⭐ Archwilio Economi'r Nos 15/10 @ 10:00AM 🤝 Sut Gall Penderfynwyr Gefnogi Busnesau 24/10 @ 2:00 PM 🛍 Gwneud i'r Stryd Fawr Weithio i Fusnesau 14/11 @ 5:00 PM Am yr holl fanylion ac i archebu eich lle, cliciwch ar y ddolen isod; #smarttowns #digital #highstreets #supportlocal #decisionmaking #smarterbusiness #wales

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  • Great to see evidence of the huge rise in footfall following the Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Cymru in Pontypridd. We're looking forward to delving into the visitor profiles for even more insight, watch this space! Gwych gweld tystiolaeth o'r cynnydd enfawr yn nifer yr ymwelwyr yn dilyn yr Eisteddfod ym Mhontypridd. Rydyn ni'n edrych ymlaen at dreiddio i'r proffiliau ymwelwyr i gael mwy fyth o fewnwelediad, gwyliwch y gofod hwn! Llywodraeth Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council Sarah Bright Rhian Hughes Menter Môn Ltd

    Massive increase in visitor numbers to Pontypridd during the Eisteddfod

    Massive increase in visitor numbers to Pontypridd during the Eisteddfod

  • 🚀 Attention High Street Businesses! 🚀 Are you ready to make your business smarter and more efficient? Our Smart Towns Cymru initiative is here to help you transform your business with cutting-edge data and technology. 📊 Access high-quality data to optimize opening hours, stocking, and staffing. ♻️ Reduce waste and improve marketing through better understanding of visitor profiles. 📈 Maximize your impact, increase visits, and build resilience with accurate forecasting. 🧠 Implement technology to compare your footfall with the high street. 💡 Identify opportunities by automating routine monitoring. 💰 Cut costs, improve services, and reduce losses with real-time monitoring and alerts Join us and let’s grow your business together! 🌟 🔗 Register for fully funded support now: ] #SmartTownsCymru #SmarterBusiness #WorkSmarterNotHarder ----------------------------------------------- 🚀 **Sylw Busnesau'r Stryd Fawr!** 🚀 Ydych chi'n barod i wneud eich busnes yn smart ac yn fwy effeithlon? Mae *Trefi Clyfar Cymru* yma i'ch helpu i drawsnewid eich busnes gyda data a thechnoleg flaengar. 📊 Mynediad at ddata o ansawdd uchel i wneud y gorau o oriau agor, stocio a staffio. ♻️ Lleihau gwastraff a gwella marchnata trwy ddeall proffil eich ymwelwyr yn well. 📈 Gwella eich effaith, cynyddu ymweliadau, a chryfhau gwytnwch gyda rhagwelediadau cywir. 🧠 Gweithredu technoleg i gymharu eich footfall gyda'r stryd fawr. 💡 Adnabod cyfleoedd trwy awtomeiddio monitro rheolaidd. 💰 Torri costau, gwella gwasanaethau, a lleihau colledion gyda monitro ac ymateb amser real. Ymunwch â ni a gadewch i ni dyfu eich busnes gyda'n gilydd! 🌟 🔗 Cofrestrwch nawr ar gyfer cefnogaeth wedi'i hariannu'n llawn: #TrefiSMARTCymru #BusnesSMART#GweithioYnGallach

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  • 🚜💡The Smart Towns Team are at Sioe Mon, Anglesey today, stall # C8 We are launching our new Smart Businesses series and speaking to local businesses about how they are using data to inform decisions and measure success. To register for the Business Series, follow the link below; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 🚜💡Mae Tîm Trefi Smart yn Sioe Mon, Ynys Môn heddiw, stondin #C8 Rydym yn lansio ein cyfres Busnesau Smart newydd ac yn siarad â busnesau lleol am sut y maent yn defnyddio data i lywio penderfyniadau a mesur llwyddiant. I gofrestru ar gyfer y Gyfres Busnes, dilynwch y ddolen isod; #smarttowns #smartbusinesses #datadrivendecisions #sioemon #anglesey

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    📅 Upcoming Smart Towns Events ... *August Smart Towns Networking session - 21st August @3.30pm * Introduction to Smart Towns - 18th September @2.00pm * Smart Towns Roadshow - Anglesey - 24th September * Smart Towns Roadshow - Flintshire - 25th September * Smart Towns are Inclusive Towns with Thinkedi - 26th September @2.00pm ⭐ Full details and future events are available on the Smart Towns Eventbrite; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 📅 Digwyddiadau Trefi Clyfar sydd ar ddod... *Sesiwn Rhwydweithio Trefi Smart ym mis Awst - 21 Awst am 3.30pm * Cyflwyniad i Drefi Smart- 18fed Medi @2.00pm *Sioe Deithiol Trefi Smart- Ynys Môn - 24ain Medi * Sioe Deithiol Trefi Smart - Sir y Fflint - 25ain Medi * Mae Trefi Smart yn Drefi Cynhwysol gyda Thinkedi - 26 Medi am 2.00pm ⭐ Mae manylion llawn a digwyddiadau'r dyfodol ar gael ar Eventbrite Trefi Smart;

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  • Day #2 for the Smart Towns Team at the Eisteddfod in Pontypridd Town Centre. An absolutely fantastic day speaking to local businesses who have really embraced and enjoyed having the Eisteddfod in their local town, many have seen an increase in footfall and expenditure . There is a real buzz in the air and excitement across the town. A huge thank you for talking with us and sharing your stories! @josies_artisan_patisserie_deli @cafefrescowales @yourpontypridd @ymaarlein @kookoomadame @marthashomestore The Welsh Cake Shop @marketquarter_pontypridd Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council Menter Môn Ltd _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Diwrnod 2 i'r Tîm Trefi Smart yn yr Eisteddfod yn stryd fawr Pontypridd. Diwrnod hollol wych wrth I ni siarad gyda rhai o'r busnesau lleol sydd wirioneddol wedi cofleidio ac wedi mwynhau cael yr Eisteddfod yn eu tref leoll,gyda llawer wedi gweld cynyddiad mewn nifer yr ymwelwyr a gwariant yr wythnos hon. Mae yna dipyn o 'buzz' a chyffro yn yr aer ar draws y dref! Hoffem ddiolch yn fawr i'r canlynol am siarad gyda ni a rhannu eu straeon!

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    Rydym yn edrych ymlaen i fynychu yr Eisteddfod canol dref cyntaf ers 1893! Pa effaith fydd hyn yn cael ar busnesau'r stryd fawr? Fydd y tim Smart ym mhabell Arfor - Llwyddo'n Lleol (166-7) dydd Iau a dydd Gwener, felly dewch draw i ddweud helo, ac i ddysgu sut mae Trefi Smart yn helpu adfywio strydoedd fawr Cymru, ac yn cefnogi busnesau i #WeithionGallachNidynGaletach! We're so excited to be joining Llwyddo'n Lleol at Wales' first town centre Eisteddfod since 1893! We'll be keeping a close eye on how this affects Pontypridd's businesses. If you're at the event on Thursday or Friday pop into stand 166-167 to find out how Smart Towns are regenerating Wales' high streets and supporting businesses to #WorkSmarterNotHarder Llywodraeth Menter Môn Ltd

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  • 🚀 Don't Miss Out! Limited Slots Available for 2 PM Today! 🚀 🌟 An Introduction to SMART Towns 🌟 Join us for an engaging and informal session, free from jargon, as we explore the groundbreaking technologies shaping the future of our communities. 🌐 What to Expect: - Insight into cutting-edge technologies powering SMART Towns. - Real-world use cases showcasing the transformative impact on Welsh SMART Towns. - Discussions on tackling issues in YOUR town- from antisocial behaviour, boosting resource efficiency, enhancing sustainability, and breathing new life into our high streets. Secure your spot now for you chance to ask anything you'd like to know about SMART Towns! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 🚀Peidiwch â Cholli Allan! Slotiau Cyfyngedig Ar Gael ar gyfer 2 PM Heddiw! 🌟Cyflwyniad i Drefi SMART🌟 Ymunwch â ni am sesiwn ddifyr ac anffurfiol, heb jargon, wrth i ni archwilio’r technolegau arloesol sy’n llywio dyfodol ein cymunedau. 🌐 Beth i'w Ddisgwyl: - Cipolwg ar dechnolegau blaengar sy'n pweru Trefi SMART. - Achosion defnydd byd go iawn yn arddangos yr effaith drawsnewidiol ar Drefi SMART Cymru. - Trafodaethau ar fynd i'r afael â phroblemau yn EICH tref - o ymddygiad gwrthgymdeithasol, hybu effeithlonrwydd adnoddau, gwella cynaliadwyedd, ac adfywio ein strydoedd mawr. Sicrhewch eich lle nawr i gael cyfle i ofyn unrhyw beth yr hoffech ei wybod am Drefi CAMPUS!

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  • 💡 We're looking forward to our second Introduction to Cyber session this morning with PureCyber Limited. There are still a few spaces left if you'd like to join at 09:30 today, book your space - #digital #smarttowns #cyberaware _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 💡 Rydym yn edrych ymlaen at ein hail sesiwn Cyflwyniad i Seiber y bore yma gyda PureCyber Limited Mae dal ychydig o lefydd ar ôl os hoffech ymuno am 09:30 heddiw, archebwch eich lle - #digidol #trefismart #cyberaware

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    After the great success of our previous session with Sophie Mason (thediffabledceo) in April (previous session on our YouTube; ... we are running another workshop on Thursday 26th September, covering ✨ How individuals with different protected characteristics experience accessing their towns ✨The benefits of making town inclusive and accessible to individuals with all protected characteristics ✨Examples of technology that can make towns 'smart' ...and more! Book your space on the Smart Towns Eventbrite 💡 Share your thoughts - there is also a padlet from the last session, please take a look and add any suggestions - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ar ôl llwyddiant mawr ein sesiwn flaenorol gyda Sophie Mason (thediffabledceo) ym mis Ebrill (sesiwn flaenorol ar ein YouTube; ... rydym yn cynnal gweithdy arall ar ddydd Iau Medi 26ain, yn cwmpasu ✨ Sut mae unigolion â nodweddion gwarchodedig gwahanol yn cael profiad o gael mynediad i'w trefi ✨ Manteision gwneud tref yn gynhwysol ac yn hygyrch i unigolion â'r holl nodweddion gwarchodedig ✨ Enghreifftiau o dechnoleg a all wneud trefi yn 'Smart' ...a mwy! Archebwch eich lle ar Eventbrite Trefi Smart; 💡 Rhannwch eich barn - mae padlet o'r sesiwn diwethaf hefyd, cymerwch olwg ac ychwanegwch unrhyw awgrymiadau - #thinkedi #smarttowns #digital #inclusivity

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