Food and Beverage Services

40 Years of Sustainable Development

About us

The SEKEM Group, founded in 1977, is a producer, processor and marketer of organic and biodynamic groceries, dried foods, textiles and natural pharmaceuticals in Egypt, the Arab region and the international market. SEKEM consists of multiple individual firms organized as a holding company, together with the group’s NGO-branch, including the Society for Cultural Development in Egypt and the Egyptian BioDynamic Association. Complying with SEKEM’s business model that economic profit should directly feed social engagement, the NGOs develops and manages scientific, cultural and social activities with the aim of human development. The SEKEM Development Foundation operates a school, a vocational training centre and a medical clinic among others. SEKEM introduced biodynamic farming to the Arab region and continues to promote it through the Egyptian Biodynamic Society (EBDA) and the Centre for Organic Agriculture in Egypt (COAE). Over 800 farms in Egypt, Sudan and Uganda are associated with SEKEM, and ecologically farm over 6.500 acres of land. SEKEM employs more than 2.000 people. The Group is a national market leader for herbal teas. Its headquarters are located in Cairo, Egypt.

Food and Beverage Services
Company size
1,001-5,000 employees
Privately Held


Employees at SEKEM Group


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    Thrilling news! SEKEM and EBDA are making a global impact! 🏆 We are honored to share that SEKEM and the Egyptian Biodynamic Association (EBDA) are one of the recipients of this year's prestigious Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity! Alongside the other two winners, Andhra Pradesh Community Managed Natural Farming (India) and scientist Rattan Lal (USA/India), we were selected for our pioneering work in advocating biodynamic agriculture and empowering local farmers in Egypt to transition to regenerative practices. Our delegation led by our CEO, Mr. Helmy Abouleish, with Mr. Justus Harm, Co-executive Director at EBDA and Economy of Love, and Ms. Naglaa Ahmed, Project Manager and Consultant at EBDA were awarded the prize by former Federal Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, President of the Jury, today at the award ceremony in Lisbon, Portugal. This prestigious award is a testament to our dedication in scaling biodynamic solutions that benefit local communities, the environment, and the planet. 🌍 Congratulations to our team and all the 2024 Gulbenkian Prize winners! #SEKEMGroup #47YearsOfSustainableDevelopment #GulbenkianPrize2024 فخورون بالإعلان عن اختيار سيكم والجمعية المصرية للزراعة الحيوية ضمن الفائزين بجائزة كولبنكيان للإنسانية لهذا العام! تم اختيار سيكم والجمعية المصرية تقديراً لجهودنا الرائدة في دعم الزراعة الحيوية وتمكين المزارعين المحليين في مصر للانتقال إلى الممارسات الزراعة الحيوية إلى جانب الفائزين الآخرين، وهم مجتمع أندرا براديش للزراعة الحيوية (الهند) والعالم راتان لال (الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية/الهند). وتسلم رئيس سيكم التنفيذى، الاستاذ حلمي أبو العيش، و الاستاذ يوستوس هرم، المدير التنفيذي المشارك في الجمعية المصرية للزراعة الحيوية واقتصاد المحبة، والاستاذة نجلاء أحمد، مدير المشروع والمستشار في الجمعية المصرية للزراعة الحيوية، الجائزة من أنجيلا ميركل، المستشارة الألمانية السابقة ورئيسة لجنة التحكيم، خلال حفل توزيع الجوائز اليوم في لشبونة، البرتغال. وتعد هذه الجائزة بمثابة تكريم لجهودنا في توسيع نطاق حلول الزراعة الحيوية التي تفيد المجتمعات المحلية والبيئة والكوكب. 🌍 تهانينا لفريقنا ولجميع الفائزين بجائزة كولبنكيان لهذا العام! #سيكم_جروب #47_سنة_من_التنمية_المستدامة #جائزة_كولبنكيان_2024

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    Did you know that over 2.8 billion people worldwide cannot afford a healthy diet? The right to food is an essential human right, as recognized by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. At SEKEM Group, we believe in the transformative potential of biodynamic agriculture. By transforming our agrifood systems, we not only combat climate change but also improve farmers' livelihoods and work to make organic food more affordable for everyone. On this #WorldFoodDay, let us commit to supporting local farmers and adopting sustainable practices to ensure a healthier future for all.  #SEKEMGroup #47YearsOfSustainableDevelopment هل تعلم أن أكثر من 2.8 مليار شخص حول العالم لا يستطيعون تحمل تكلفة نظام غذائي صحي؟ على الرغم أن الحصول على الغذاء هو "حق أساسي" من حقوق الإنسان، كما أقره الإعلان العالمي لحقوق الإنسان. في مجموعة سيكم، نؤمن بإمكانات الزراعة الحيوية. فمن خلال تحويل أنظمة الغذاء الزراعية، فإننا لا نكافح التغير المناخي فقط، بل نعمل أيضًا على تحسين سبل عيش المزارعين والعمل على إتاحة الغذاء العضوي ليكون في متناول الجميع. في #يوم_الغذاء_العالمي، نسعد بانضمامكم لنا في التزامنا بدعم المزارعين المحليين وتبني الممارسات المستدامة لمستقبل أكثر صحة للجميع. #سيكم_جروب #47_سنة_من_التنمية_المستدامة

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    This #InternationalDayofRuralWomen, we are celebrating the incredible contributions of women in agriculture! According to the #FAO, women are responsible for half of the world’s food production and play a vital role as environmental stewards. In sub-Saharan Africa, they provide up to 80% of the food supply, yet face significant barriers to market access. This year's theme, “Rural Women Sustaining Nature for Our Collective Future,” emphasizes the importance of building climate resilience, conserving biodiversity, and promoting gender equality. At #SEKEM Group, we honor our resilient female farmers who not only support their families but also combat climate change through biodynamic and organic farming practices. Join us in recognizing and celebrating rural women in Egypt and around the globe. Your strength is making our food systems stronger and more sustainable. Happy International Day of Rural Women! #SEKEMGroup #47YearsOfSustainableDevelopment في #اليوم_العالمي_للمرأة_الريفية، نحتفل بمساهمات المرأة في مجال الزراعة! وفقًا لمنظمة الأغذية والزراعة، تتحمل المرأة مسؤولية نصف إنتاج الغذاء في العالم وتلعب دورًا حيويًا في حماية البيئة. في أفريقيا جنوب الصحراء الكبرى، توفر المرأة ما يصل إلى 80٪ من إمدادات الغذاء، ومع ذلك تواجه عوائق للوصول إلى الأسواق. هذا العام، يأتي #اليوم_العالمي_للمرأة_الريفية تحت شعار:  "المرأة الريفية تدعم الطبيعة من أجل مستقبلنا"، للتأكيد على أهمية بناء القدرة على التكيف مع المناخ، والحفاظ على التنوع البيولوجي، وتعزيز المساواة بين الجنسين. في سيكم جروب، نكرم المزارعات الصامدات في مجتمعنا المحلي اللاتي لا يدعمن أسرهن فقط، بل يكافحن أيضًا قضية تغير المناخ من خلال ممارسات الزراعة الحيوية والعضوية. اليوم، انضموا إلينا في الاحتفال بالمرأة الريفية في مصر وحول العالم. بفضلهن، أنظمتنا الغذائية أقوى وأكثر استدامة. يوم عالمي سعيد للمرأة الريفية! #سيكم_جروب #47_سنة_من_التنمية_المستدامة

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    We had an amazing time at the Hamburg Sustainability Conference! Our CEO, Mr. Helmy Abouleish took center stage, participating in two pivotal sessions. First, Mr. Helmy shared his insights during SEED: Promoting entrepreneurship for sustainable development's session, highlighting the crucial role of SMEs from developing countries in driving circular and low-carbon economies. In the second session, Mr. Helmy presented our innovative vision for the future of agriculture, showcasing our Economy of Love standard as a practical solution to trasnform supply chains. #SEKEMGroup #47YearsOfSustainableDevelopment

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    😯 We are excited to be an official observer at the Hamburg Sustainability Conference 2024!   We're here to ensure the rights of future generations are a central focus in every discussion. By championing intergenerational justice, we aim to go beyond traditional sustainability approaches and create lasting solutions that protect both people and the planet. 🌍🫂   Our team of experts will be attending key sessions and producing a report with concrete recommendations for the 2025 conference, emphasizing the urgency of prioritizing future generations in policy decisions.   Lets keep the momentum going! #FutureGenerations #Sustainability #HSC2024 #ClimateAction #IntergenerationalJustice #GreenFuture #EcoInnovation #SustainableDevelopment #GlobalGoals #SDGs #Resilience #ActOnClimate #CircularEconomy #ClimateJustice   Samia Kassid Marlene "Lena" D. Helmy Abouleish Neshan Gunasekera alyn ware Marie Biermann Alexandra Wandel Raina Ivanova Franz-Theo Gottwald United Nations Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) UNDP Otto Group SEKEM Group cociety Handelskammer Hamburg

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    On #WorldCottonDay, we proudly celebrate the unique qualities of Egyptian cotton and our commitment to biodynamic farming practices. At SEKEM, our organic cotton production exemplifies the power of holistic agriculture in enhancing livelihoods, protecting the environment, and fostering fair trade. Join us today in making mindful choices that contribute to a sustainable, greener future. #SEKEMGroup #47YearsOfSustainableDevelopment في #اليوم_العالمي_للقطن، نحتفل بالجودة الاستثنائية للقطن المصري والتزامنا بتبني ممارسات الزراعة الحيوية المستدامة. في مجموعة سيكم، فخورون بإنتاجنا للقطن العضوي، وهو ما يعكس نهج الزراعة الشامل الذي نتبناه بهدف دعم سبل عيش المزارعين وحماية البيئة وتعزيز ممارسات التجارة العادلة. اليوم، ندعوكم لإتخاذ خيارات واعية للمساهمة في خلق مستقبل أخضر ومستدام.  #سيكم_جروب #47_سنة_من_التنمية_المستدامة

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    Can love truly be the solution to feeding the world? Thrilled to be featured in Forbes as part of their coverage on The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation's 2024 Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity. This recognition highlights pioneering solutions in sustainable agriculture, including SEKEM's innovative approach. We believe the answer is yes. Our Economy of Love (EoL) embodies SEKEM's core philosophy that businesses should focus on social and environmental benefits, not just profit. By using ethical practices and building strong relationships, we can create a more sustainable and equitable future. Read the full article to learn more: #SEKEMGroup #47YearsofSustainableDevelopment

    To Feed 10 Billion People By 2050, All You Need Is Love

    To Feed 10 Billion People By 2050, All You Need Is Love

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    Join our CEO, Mr. Helmy Abouleish, in an interesting discussion on regenerative agriculture! Tomorrow, September 25th, Mr. Helmy will be participating in the 2nd session of the EARA | European Alliance for Regenerative Agriculture's Roundtable Series. The discussion, titled "Regenerative Agriculture: Organic or Non-organic or both or different?", will be a fascinating exploration of the topic. 🔗 To attend, register here: #SEKEMGroup #47YearsofSustainableDevelopment

    🌱 Registration is Open for EARA's Roundtable Series on Regenerative Agriculture! We’re thrilled to invite you to the 2nd session of our Roundtable Series, dedicated to exploring Regenerative Agriculture. This movement is more than a change in farming practices; it’s a revolution rooted in microbiology and soil science breakthroughs and the innovative spirit of pioneering farmers who tirelessly push the boundaries of the possible every day. Regenerative Agriculture is a leap forward in both practice and culture, uniting farmers across all contexts in their vision to achieve the highest productivity through the most sophisticated symbiosis with nature. It’s about regenerating not just our soils, but our hearts and minds too. 🔴 Join us on September 25th, 7-8:30 pm CET, for the second session titled "Regenerative Agriculture: Organic or Non-organic or both or different?". Here, rather than dividing farmers over their use of tools, we want to unite in diversity for a shared vision We’re excited to have world-renowned experts: Vandana Shiva, Helmy Abouleish, Urs Niggli, and EARA's pioneering farmers Beate Caldewey-Samaras, Diego Barcena Menendez, and Peter Fröhlich leading the discussion and sharing invaluable insights. 🔗 Register here: 🔗 Full program: 🌿 Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn, engage, discuss, criticize, and share your wisdom amongst this growing community - and feel the power of change that is within the agency of each one of us

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