Right to Repair Europe

Right to Repair Europe

Non-profit Organizations

We represent over 130 organisations from 23 European countries. For affordable, accessible and mainstream repairs.

About us

Non-profit Organizations
Company size
2-10 employees


  • View profile for Albin Wagener, graphic

    Professeur et chercheur en analyse de discours et communication, designer et analyste des transformations écologiques et sociétales. Qualifié en sciences du langage et en sciences de l'information et de la communication.

    Je ne pensais pas faire un jour la première partie d'Axelle Lemaire, ni projeter un dendrogramme lexicométrique d'Iramuteq sur grand écran ! C'est désormais chose faite avec le superbe Green IT Day organisé par Digital 113 à Montpellier, pour fêter et analyser 10 ans d'engagement, où j'ai pu représenter l'Université Catholique de Lille (et donc évidemment ESSLIL et ETHICS EA7446). Evidemment, je veux remercier l'ami Bertrand Mocquet de l' Amue qui m'a mis en relation avec l'équipe organisatrice, ainsi que Fanny Colavitti, Amélie Leclercq, Lauren Boudard, Françoise Nauton-Inglis, Magali Germond, Ronnie Garcia bien sûr, ainsi que toutes celles et tous ceux qui œuvrent depuis dix ans pour que cet événement soit une réussite. J'ai également beaucoup apprécié les interventions de Xavier Verne, Juliette Fropier et Alexandre Girard - sans parler des belles rencontres qui posent la question de la transversalité des transformations sociétales, sur les volets numérique, environnemental, social et économique. Mais au-delà de cela, je souhaite souligner l'intervention incontournable et extrêmement forte de David Maenda Kithoko : c'est peu dire qu'il devrait être invité partout pour parler de la réalité matérielle des conséquences de notre addiction aux technologies. A l'heure où on parle de dématérialisation, en effet (comme si le numérique était quelque chose d'éthéré), David a rappelé la dure et sanglante réalité : au Congo, l'extraction des métaux lourds depuis plusieurs années a déjà fait 6 millions de morts au moins (estimation faible), 10 millions de déplacés, et le chiffre vertigineux de 1000 viols par jour sur les femmes congolaises. Ce sont en effet des milices armées qui contrôlent les territoires où se trouvent les mines, et vivent littéralement de l'argent des métaux rares que nous utilisons pour notre fabuleux progrès numérique. Très concrètement, cela lorsque vous tenez votre smartphone dans votre main, celui-ci représente au moins un viol, et probablement plusieurs morts. Juste pour notre confort et notre progrès. Cette réalité rappelle l'importance du cycle de vie des produits électroniques, qui doit être rallongé, mais surtout l'importance de penser une écologie intégralement décoloniale - car le numérique, comme tend d'autres choses, fait peser le poids de son développement sur des corps que nous ignorons, parce qu'ils sont loin de nous, qu'ils n'ont pas la même couleur de peau que la nôtre, et parce que nous sommes habitués à les exploiter depuis des siècles. Cette journée a commencé comme un enchantement, mais s'est terminé dans un bouleversement. Un bouleversement nécessaire qui rappelle, au-delà des discours et des initiatives, que des vies concrètes, humaines et non humaines, sont en jeu dans la nécessaire évolution vers la sobriété. Ne l'oublions pas, car notre capacité à construire un monde meilleur, ce en quoi je crois, passe aussi par ces prises de conscience.

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    View profile for Cristina Ganapini, graphic

    Circular Economy Campaigner - advocating for more repairable and durable products

    ☝ What does recent legislative progress mean for people and businesses who are trying to repair more and buy less new products? Will it be enough to achieve a thriving repair economy in Europe? 🫵 You're burning to find out? You have opinions on the matter? Join our webinar on the state of #righttorepair on Tuesday 15th October, from 13.30-15.00 Brussels time with stellar speakers such as Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders, Ada Preziosi from DG JUST, Wojtek S., and our own Ugo Vallauri from The Restart Project, Thomas Opsomer from iFixit Europe and Luisa D. from Germanwatch e.V. The Open Repair Alliance (ORA) will present main findings from their latest report on types of product categories people try to fix at community repair events. Against this backdrop, we will discuss what was achieved during the past mandate with ESPR-Ecodesign and the R2R Directive, what this means for repair and what is still missing to foster a vibrant repair ecosystem. ✍ You don't want to miss this, register here: https://lnkd.in/dEPmcGjK And while you're here, check out all the other amazing activities happening around the world for international #RepairDay! https://lnkd.in/d8xBXP9y

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    View profile for Cristina Ganapini, graphic

    Circular Economy Campaigner - advocating for more repairable and durable products

    🍂 October sure is a hot month for #circulareconomy, #tech and #repair! Yesterday Right to Repair Europe and Repair Together Asbl had the pleasure to contribute to the #EUTechSociety Summit along with European Digital Rights and 40 digital, social and climate justice organisations. We invited conference-goers to bring in small broken gadgets, get them fixed by our repair volunteers, and learn how extending product lifespans helps reduce e-waste and fight early obsolescence. 👏 Props to Denisa Alexandroaiei, Thomas Ebert and Carsten Wentink from the EU Commission for playing along and for joining the repair conversation! The day was filled with much needed wake-up calls on the environmental impacts of technology, and we found especially compelling: 🙌 Patrizia Heidegger & Claire Fernandez's calls for digital sufficiency. Digitalisation cannot come at the expense of human rights, social justice and a livable planet! 🗣️ David Maenda Kithoko's presentation on the real impacts of digital technologies in Congo. #Righttorepair is an efficient way to reduce extraction needs! 👀 Johannes Schilling's (DG ENV) stressing the role of the WEEE Directive revision for incentivising reuse and repair. We really need this to make a difference and we are ready to engage! 👂 You still haven't heard enough about repair? Do not fret, International #RepairDay is coming up and so is our webinar on the state of EU #Righttorepair with stellar speakers such as Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders, Ada Preziosi, Wojtek S., and our own Ugo Vallauri, Thomas Opsomer and Luisa D.. You don't want to miss this, register here: https://lnkd.in/dEPmcGjK 💚 Many thanks to the whole European Digital Rights team, Ella Jakubowska, Guillermo Peris, Repair Together Asbl, Alessandro Cagnolati, Florine Paquay, Luc Deriez, Gilles Decroly, Simone Cimadomo, Sonja Leyvraz, Katy Wiese (she,her), Association Génération Lumière, Mute Schimpf, Friends of the Earth Europe, Weaving Liberation, Raegan MacDonald and all the other wonderful partners for contributing to make this such a meaningful summit.

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    View profile for Cristina Ganapini, graphic

    Circular Economy Campaigner - advocating for more repairable and durable products

    🌍 International Repair Day is now less than one month away 📆 Save the date, October 19th, and join the global #repair community to celebrate how vibrant the world of repair is! 🛠️ Together we will show once again that repair is for everyone, and why we need a universal right to repair to reduce waste, create local jobs, empower communities and reduce resource use. ♻️ ⚖️ In the new EU political mandate, Ursula von der Leyen announced a new Circular Economy Act, and we need to make sure that it promotes reuse and repair! Jessika Roswall was also recently proposed as Commissioner for the Environment and Circular Economy. Dear Jessika Roswall, we would like to know, how much do you know about repair? 😉 📍 Find your local events in the global map developed by Open Repair Alliance, and join your local organisations on their activities! More info here: https://lnkd.in/d8xBXP9y #repair #righttorepair #RepairforEveryone #RepairDay

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    View profile for Mario Pansera, graphic

    Research Professor OPORTUNIUS - ERC grantee at Universidade de Vigo

    📣 Want to join the Post-Growth Innovation Lab? We are looking for a candidate for a fully funded PhD position in the project A Right to a Repair Society: Controversies, Opportunities, and Challenges (ATTRACT). This project investigates how the Right to Repair (R2R) movement can contribute to a post-growth society while addressing the environmental and social challenges posed by consumer electronics. Deadline for pre-applications: 29 September. More info 👇 hashtag #right2repair hashtag #R2R hashtag #postgrowth hashtag #degrowth hashtag #job hashtag #hiring hashtag #Phd https://lnkd.in/df-4pdiZ

    Job Offers | Postgrowth Lab

    Job Offers | Postgrowth Lab


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    View profile for Cristina Ganapini, graphic

    Circular Economy Campaigner - advocating for more repairable and durable products

    👉 Right to Repair Europe will participate in the #EUTechSociety Summit organised by European Digital Rights on October 1st 2024! 🚨 Ahead of the next EU political mandate, with skyrocketing industry lobbying and the far-right surge in Europe, civil society's agenda is key. 🤝 We will join 40 digital, social and climate justice organisations to open a dialogue with recently elected EU decision-makers. We will discuss tech's impact on democracy✊🏾, society 🌎 and the environment 🌱. The draft programme is out now: https://lnkd.in/dPFKh-4P 🛠️ Repair Together Asbl will be present with a #repair action desk and a few surprises! If you are a policymaker or organisation attending the T&S Summit: come see us to get something repaired and discuss what we still need from EU policy to make the #righttorepair a reality! #right2repair #espr #r2r

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  • Right to Repair Europe reposted this

    🔴 Former European Central Bank President Mario Draghi has presented his vision for the EU’s competitiveness including: ✔ circular infrastructure investments in preparation for reuse, separate collection, and sorting;  ✔ simplifying and harmonising requirements for EU environmental funding; ✔ prioritising quality over price when awarding contracts. Yet... ❌ the report conflates circular economy with recycling, at the expense of reuse and repair;  ❌ no mention of the transformative potential of social economy enterprises. Read our full reaction: https://t.co/kAxy6dwpOe #socialandcircular #socialeconomy #secondhandfirst #circulareconomy

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    View profile for Axel Darut, graphic

    European & International affairs advisor in the Circular Economy ♻️

    🤼♂️ Letta - Draghi : focus on the EU’s future circular economy vision ♻ 👀On one hand, former Italian Prime Minister Enrico Letta published a report last April on the future of the European Single Market, which aims to shape the continent’s priorities in the coming years. On the other hand, former European Central Bank President Mario Draghi just released a report addressing how to counteract Europe's economic decline. Both leaders are steering Europe's economic and environmental future in different directions. 🤝 Aligning the economy with environmental and social policies ? 🎹 👨🎨Draghi stresses the urgency of accelerating Europe’s renewable energy projects. He advocates for streamlining approval processes and granting temporary exemptions from environmental regulations to hasten progress. Nevertheless, he cautions that this progress must not come at the expense of natural ecosystems. 👷♂️ Conversely, Letta believes that while the Single Market is vital for growth, it risks widening inequality if its benefits are not equitably distributed. He argues that future development must include a strong social dimension to ensure fairness and cohesion. 🎯 Circular economy as a sustainable growth strategy 📋 🏹 Draghi envisions that Europe can meet its clean-tech material needs by 2050 through enhanced recycling infrastructure and waste management. He supports increased investment in green technologies and a circular economy to maintain raw materials in use. He emphasises as well the need for better enforcement of existing waste management policies. ⚙ Letta’s report highlights the significance of incorporating circular economy principles into the Single Market to foster environmental sustainability and economic resilience. 💢 Sourcing materials 🛠 👔 Draghi views reducing reliance on external sources of critical raw materials as crucial for Europe to remain competitive with China and the U.S. He proposes tapping into Europe’s mining potential and forming partnerships with sustainable leaders, such as the Nordics, to build a reliable supply chain. 👓 Letta advocates for establishing a Circular Single Market to decouple economic prosperity from unsustainable resource use. He contends that transitioning to a circular economy is essential for reducing dependence on fragile supply chains and ensuring a green transition. 💶 Investments to support this transition ➰ 🏌♂️Draghi advocates for transitioning industries through financial aid and training to build an inclusive green economy. 🏋♂️ Letta calls for the establishment of a Circular Single Market, supported by EU funds and the European Investment Bank, to facilitate large-scale investments. He focuses on ensuring that social enterprises can compete on equal terms within the Single Market and supports improving access to finance for these enterprises.

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    View profile for Philippa Nuttall, graphic

    Editor of Sustainable Views @ Financial Times. Journalist, writer, editor: climate change, energy transition, sustainable agriculture, biodiversity, sustainable finance, ESG.

    “OEMs [original equipment manufacturers] are acting as the gatekeepers to the repair market,” Swappie head of public affairs Europe Claire Darmon told an online press briefing on Tuesday. “It is time to address the balance of power in the market and restore a level playing field between OEMs and third-party providers.” By me on Sustainable Views #righttorepair #circulareconomy https://lnkd.in/eY23VvzV

    iPhone refurbisher demands level playing field for OEMs and third parties

    iPhone refurbisher demands level playing field for OEMs and third parties


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