PsyTech VR | Mental Health system

PsyTech VR | Mental Health system

Mental Health Care

Frederick, Maryland 3,075 followers

Mental Health and Wellness immersive training for fears, phobias, and PTSD, including VR telemedicine & bio-sensors mask

About us

PsyTechVR — Mental Health and Wellness application for various forms of anxiety including fear, phobia, stress, and PTSD in VR/AR, and consultations with therapists using VR telemedicine (XRaaS) PsyTech VR combines the expertise of a team of highly trained professionals who have come together to help people to illuminate their anxieties once and for all. Our mission is to ensure the mental health of the Earth's population through the introduction of innovative VR/AR technologies in the process of overcoming mental health problems.

Mental Health Care
Company size
2-10 employees
Frederick, Maryland
Privately Held
Mental health, VRET, Virtual reality exposure therapy, Phobia therapy, Cognitive behavioral therapy, Meditations, Mindfulness, VR metal health, CBT, Psychology, Virtual therapy, welness program, wellness program, vr wellness, mental health, phobia, and wellness



Employees at PsyTech VR | Mental Health system


  • Who do you think the market analysts have included on their list? 😊 Thank you Sebastian Demmerle

    View profile for Sebastian Demmerle, graphic

    CEO & Founder at NMY Innovation Studio | Immersive Technology Solutions for Education | Training | Marketing | R&D

    As our population ages 🧓 and healthcare professionals become scarce, the need for innovative solutions grows. Spatial Computing, #VR and #AR are stepping up. These are just a few of the many medical areas where VR and AR can help: 🧠 Mental health support: VR is a powerful tool for exposure therapy, helping patients confront and manage phobias, PTSD, and anxiety disorders. 🎓 Enhanced medical training: AR and VR enable medical professionals to simulate surgeries, procedures, and additional tasks, improving both skill acquisition and patient safety. 🤖 Cognitive rehabilitation: Through VR, patients with cognitive impairments benefit from customized exercises to improve memory and attention. 🎮 Distraction therapy: VR environments can divert focus during painful procedures, reducing the overall perception of pain. 📚 Patient education: AR and VR provide visual insights that help patients understand their medical conditions, procedures, and treatment plans. 🥽👨⚕️ In-person remote consultations: VR and AR enable real-time medical interactions that feel "like you're there," making healthcare accessible to remote or immobile patients. And this list is far (!) from complete. We've been researching therapy applications for a few weeks now. Below are some solutions we like and which you can download today on #Quest2. A detailed overview will be available soon. At NMY Mixed Reality Studio, we've seen great results with VR training for nurses at Helios Kliniken GmbH, AR guides for medical devices and surgery experiences at B. Braun Gruppe, and increased empathy for people with visual impairments with our eye disease simulation for ZEISS Group. If you're interested in sharing ideas, I'm open to your comments and DMs! Cheers, Sebastian 👋 PsyTech VR | Mental Health system | Mindway VR | Innerworld | TRIPP, Inc. | SpectreXR (Hand Therapy, OctoXR)

  • Congratulations!!! 🎉

    View profile for Igor Ismagilov, graphic

    Lawyer / Business Advisor / LL.M. / MBA

    🚀 I am thrilled and proud to announce PsyTech VR | Mental Health system's graduation from the Fit 4 Start acceleration program! 🎉 A huge thank you to the amazing team at Luxinnovation GIE, especially Felix WEIS, Jean-Philippe Arie and Anne Meunier, our dedicated coaches Jean-Yves Nothias and Dr. Peter Krautgartner, the jury members, and all the supportive and enthusiastic professionals who guided us through the past six months. Your expertise and encouragement have been invaluable. Here's to new beginnings and continued growth! 🌟 #Fit4Start #Luxinnovation #Graduation #Entrepreneurship #Startups #Innovation

    15 startups graduate from the Fit 4 Start #14 programme

    15 startups graduate from the Fit 4 Start #14 programme

  • Great job, team!!!! 🍾

    View organization page for Luxembourg-City Incubator, graphic


    𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗱𝘂𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗱𝗮𝘆! 🎓 8 of our startups have successfully graduated from the well-renowned #Fit4Start program! Throughout these past 6 months, immense dedication, hard work, and above all, resilience have been demonstrated by the entrepreneurs. We had the great honor that during the course of the program, 6 of the graduated startups from F4S had decided to join our incubator earlier in the year to benefit from our coaches and mentoring. 🙏 A big shout-out to: 🌟 Äerd Lab 🌟 athena studio 🌟 ClimateCamp 🌟 Trace Crystal 🌟 Sonia 🌟 PsyTech VR | Mental Health system 🌟 Uplift360 🌟 BeyondEx All your hard work and determination have finally paid off and we are excited to see how you will continue to drive innovation even further. Sky is the limit! 🔭⭐ Congratulations once again! #Startups #Innovation #AcceleratorProgram #Graduation #Luxembourg House of Startups Luxembourg Chambre de Commerce du Luxembourg Ville de Luxembourg Luxinnovation GIE Bastien Berg Julien Gharrou Marie Lacourie

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  • We are on AWE 2024!

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    AI AR can give you the powers to travel space and time. See for yourself with the next AI camera for #AWE2024, powered by ZAUBAR. The Time Travel AI camera allows you to 'tune' the amount of futuristic embellishment you want in your selfie - from near future to the far future! In addition to showing you several versions of your potential future-selves, guests at AWE USA, June 18-20 can post their images with a message about the future to an AI social feed streaming at the Zaubar booth in the Expo Hall. Scan the QR code or follow the link to try this AI camera - #ai #generativeai #aicamera #event #futurism #ar #xr #vr #spatialcomputing #spacetravel Nathan C Bowser Stefan Marx Ekin Derdiyok #timetravel

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  • Great team Alina Vorontsova and Igor Ismagilov! 💪

    View profile for Sergey Morozov, graphic

    Healthcare & Medtech executive, informatics professional & clinical innovator, researcher & physician, MBA & MPH // CEO of Teleradiology center, COO of $1.1B hospital network, CIO of AI-platform, EuSoMII past-President

    Attended a remarkable European Digital HealthTech conference in Luxembourg organized by Luxinnovation GIE. A fantastic platform connecting startups with investors and policy-makers. Insightful discussions by industry experts Antoine Jomier, Amine Benmoussa, and Jerome Wittamer highlighted key business model challenges and fundraising strategies for healthcare startups. Citing Jerome’s words further: “While biotech and SaaS investing are well codified and value creation follows a well known framework all the way to exit, digital health isn’t mature enough to offer such levels of (relative) certainty. That explains the highly populated graveyard of dHealth startups and the relative investor mistrust in the sector. Silver lining: this sector is much more resilient than others once you’re on the growth path.” My question: shouldn’t the boards and investors of dHealth startups pass a qualification exam ensuring their competences in healthtech? That’s a joke, but with the reason. Besides Jerome has perfectly well outlined current trends in #dHealth, #SaaS, #Biotech, #PDTx investments. Invaluable learnings that I wish I had known sooner! But most importantly, I was lucky to have a long and insightful talk with Federica Zanca, who is extremely knowledgeable and successful in the medical imaging industry. Since recently she is continuing her professional journey with European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA), which in turn provides a huge support to medical #ai #startups. So good luck to everyone in #healthtech in these turbulent times! Among others to Alina Vorontsova and her colleagues at PsyTech VR | Mental Health system.

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  • Thank you, Florim Gallopeni !

    View profile for Florim Gallopeni, graphic

    Prof. Ass. Dr. Clinical and Health Psychology

    🌟 Ne jemi të lumtur të ndajmë një lajm të madh për komunitetin! Qendra “WeCare” ju njofton se në bashkëpunim me “PsyTech VR” nga SHBA, kemi sjellë një qasje të re në ofrimin e shërbimeve psikoterapeutike: VIRTUAL REALITY EXPOSURE THERAPY! 🚀 🧠 Bazuar në njohuritë shkencore dhe evidencën e qartë, kjo terapi ka vërtetuar efikasitetin e saj në trajtimin e çrregullimeve të ankthit dhe fobive. Me mbi 200 skenare të ndryshme për fobi specifike të përfshira, kemi përgatitur një përvojë të bazuar në evidencë dhe të personalizuar për të ndihmuar klientët tanë të përballen me sfidat e tyre dhe të ecin përpara në rrugën drejt një mirëqenie psikologjike stabile . 💪 🌈Terapia e ekspozimit të realitetit virtual (VRET) është një formë terapie që përdor teknologjinë e realitetit virtual për të simuluar situata të jetës reale në një mjedis të kontrolluar për të ndihmuar individët të përballen dhe të kapërcejnë frikën ose fobitë e tyre. Në këtë terapi, pacientët janë të ekspozuar ndaj mjediseve virtuale që shkaktojnë ankthin ose fobitë e tyre, duke i lejuar ata të praktikojnë strategjitë e përballimit dhe gradualisht të reduktojnë përgjigjet e tyre ndaj frikës. Një nga avantazhet thelbësore të VR është mundësia për të simuluar çdo stimuj brenda mjedisit virtual, madje edhe ata që janë të vështirë ose të pamundur për t'u aksesuar në jetën reale. Teknologjia e realitetit virtual lejon kontrollin e saktë mbi gjithçka që ndodh brenda mjedisit virtual, siç janë stimujt që has pacienti, vetitë e sakta të stimujve (valenca, intensiteti, frekuenca dhe kohëzgjatja) dhe kushtet e fillimit/heqjes së stimujve. ( koha; nxitësit e sjelljes etj.). Kjo bën të mundur përshtatjen e trajtimit për të përmbushur nevojat terapeutike të pacientëve individualë. Në këto kushte të kontrolluara, pacienti mund të përparojë gjatë trajtimit në mënyrë të sigurt dhe gradualisht, pa u ekspozuar ndaj skenarëve që nuk janë ende gati t'i tolerojnë. Kjo i jep pacientit një ndjenjë kontrolli dhe potencialisht mund të rrisë vetë-efikasitetin e tyre. 🎉 Jemi të lumtur që kemi mundësinë të ofrojmë këtë mundësi inovative të trajtimit dhe jemi të gatshëm për të ndihmuar komunitetin drejt një jete më të mirë. @psytechvr @qendrawecare

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  • PsyTech VR | Mental Health system reposted this

    View profile for Dr. Gwilym Roddick, graphic

    Founder @ CBT of Central & South Florida | Evidence-Based Practices | Anxiety and Problematic Substance Use Specialist | President-Elect @ Florida CBT Association

    From PTSD to social anxiety, or specific phobias like flying, heights, or insects, learn more about how Virtual Reality Therapy is an effective treatment for your needs. #therapy #virtualreality #vr #ptsd #anxiety #phobias

  • Month by month, we are making progress! Great job, team!

    View profile for Daniel A., graphic

    CPO at PsyTech VR ★ Combining VR/AR/MR and CBT/EMDR ★ VR PATENT OWNER ★ Let's help the world improve mental well-being

    POST #2 Generative-AI for VR exposure therapy! I received a lot of feedback on my recent post and as a result, I've created a video demonstrating some new prompts to create immersive experiences, such as a phobia of spiders or PTSD from war conflicts, etc.. I'm using our latest Launchpad platform so the therapist from a Win/Mac PC can create the environment, control the exposure, and the client sees the same image as the therapist in the VR headset. Some of the prompts used in this video: 🕷1. Tarantula spider sitting on the stone in the forest 🔫 2. Crossfire, city, police, explosion, air attack 👨🚒 3. Massive forest fire, smoke 🦈 4. Sharks, Ocean 🤯 5. Atomic bomb explosion in the desert 🌪 6. Tornado aftermath ⚠ 7. Tanks, desert ⛈ 8. Thunderstorm & Lightning, view over the city, floating in the air I'm really impressed with the potential of this technology. It allows therapists to provide clients with personalized exposure and follow up with CBT or EMDR protocols. By the way, we also offer a group therapy option where 25 headsets (IMPORTANT: different VR brands/models) can be controlled simultaneously. Let me know in the comments below, and I will create the video for YOUR prompt! #generativeai #vr #xr #therapy #vret #vrexposure Dr. Gwilym Roddick , Dr. Brenda K Wiederhold

  • Luxembourg!!!!

    View profile for Maria Bezmelnitsina, graphic

    bringing Psychology, Education and Cultures to Technology of tomorrow

    I am truly honoured to have been invited by the European School of Luxembourg to speak during their Wellbeing Week24 on the intriguing intersection of the metaverse and mental health. It was a remarkable opportunity to engage with more than 200 bright minds about the profound impact that technological advancements, like virtual reality, are having on psychological practices and patient experiences.  A special thank you to PsyTech VR | Mental Health system, Alina Vorontsova and Igor Ismagilov for showcasing their innovative VR solutions for mental health, which are at the forefront of transforming therapeutic approaches. The collaboration between educational institutions and tech companies is vital in fostering awareness and understanding of these tools among the next generation of users and professionals. The Luxembourg House of Web3 PsyTech VR | Mental Health system Daniel A. Peter Oykhman Daniel R. Harry Lars Ghillemyn Leonel Marques Wesley Deglise Julien Choveton-Caillat Jesús Peña García Roberto P. Ongun Duman Kevin De Wilde #MentalHealthAwareness #Metaverse #VirtualReality #Psychology #Innovation #WellbeingWeek #PsychologyWeek

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US$ 53.4K


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