Lamina clinic

Lamina clinic

Medical Practices

Fixing the last mile in mental health - Helping patients that are coming off Antidepressant medication

About us

Lamina Clinic is revolutionizing the way patients reduce or discontinue their antidepressant medication. Our innovative approach combines evidence-based research with personalized, smart technology-enabled medication strips tailored to each individual patient. Our 28-day tapering program, using smart technology to track patient reactions, helps distinguish withdrawal effects from medication and potential relapses of depression, with a 3-month subscription-based treatment program. Join us in our mission to improve mental health care and make a positive impact on the lives of millions Getting on antidepressant is easy, it's when you decide to taper down your dose or getting off them where things gets complicated. Reports are flowing from patients reporting withdrawal symtoms that are so severe that they go back in medication again. Doctors have a hard time separating withdrawal symtoms from relapse symtoms resulting in them putting back patients back on medications. We support people going through tuff times that are on antidepressants. We focus on helping those who would like to reduce dosage to get minimum side-effects and maximum effects of their medication or for those who would like getting off their medication completely.

Medical Practices
Company size
11-50 employees
Privately Held

Employees at Lamina clinic


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    Finns det någon fara med att äta antidepressiva under lång tid? Förutom att det finns risker med långtidsanvändning av antidepressiva, såsom ökad risk för förtidig död och hjärt- och kärlsjukdomar, så kommer dessa läkemedel med en hel del biverkningar. Här listar vi de vanligaste biverkningarna och ungefär hur många som drabbas av dem: Sexuella problem 72% Oförmåga att få orgasm 65% Viktuppgång 65% Emotionellt avtrubbad 65% Känner sig inte som sig själv 54% Minskade positiva känslor 46% Känsla av att vara "beroende" 43% Bryr sig mindre om andra människor 36% Känslor av självskada/självmord 36% För en del är biverkningarna ett acceptabelt pris för att må bättre, men för många blir dessa helt enkelt för besvärliga. Det är därför viktigt att man pratar med en specialist när man funderar på att trappa ner eller sätta ut medicinen, så att man får stöd och insikt i vad som är biverkningar av läkemedlet och vad som eventuellt är effekter av en sjukdom.

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    A forthcoming analysis based on a scientific survey highlighted by National Geographic suggests significant impacts on the lives of those planning to discontinue antidepressant use in the future: Approximately 196 million individuals will likely experience withdrawal symptoms, with women accounting for 147 million of these cases. An estimated 52.92 million people will need to take sick leave due to issues related to their condition, including 39.69 million women. Around 49 million might face relationship breakdowns, with 36.75 million of these being women. Nearly 39.2 million are at risk of losing their jobs, with women making up 29.4 million of this group. These projections underscore the necessity for supportive measures and greater awareness within our workplaces and broader communities to better support those facing these challenges

    What’s the right way to wean off antidepressants?

    What’s the right way to wean off antidepressants?

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    And we are off 🚀

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    Technology Leadership | SaaS | AI Solutions | Strategic Growth | Digital Transformation | Harvard

    ✨ Launch Alert: Lamina Clinic is Now Open ✨ We are proud to launch the world's first solution dedicated to facilitating a safe and pain-free process for individuals tapering off SSRI/SNRI medications. Our journey begins with an understanding that out of the 350 million individuals on SSRI/SNRI medications globally, more than half will face severe withdrawal symptoms. Lamina Clinic steps in as a pioneer with our unique medicalRX and SaaS platform, adeptly crafted to minimize or eliminate the daunting risk of severe withdrawal. Sweden 🇸🇪 is first out to experience this transformative healthcare innovation. #healthinnovation #laminaclinic #mentalhealth #digitalhealthinnovation #newlaunch

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    Hyperbolic vs. Linear tapering: A safer approach to medication discontinuation   In the journey of medication management, particularly with Antidepressants, Antipsychotics Stimulants (ADHD), Hypnotics (sleep), Mood Stabilizers, Benzodiazepines, and Opioids, the phase of discontinuation is as crucial as the treatment itself. At Lamina Clinic, we advocate for hyperbolic tapering over the traditional linear tapering method, and here's why.   Understanding the Difference: Linear Tapering involves reducing the medication dose by a consistent amount over a set period. For instance, if a patient is on a 10mg dose, they might reduce their dose by 2mg every week. In contrast, Hyperbolic Tapering is more patient-centric. This approach reduces the dose based on a percentage of the current dose, leading to a slower, more gradual reduction as the dose gets lower.   Why Prefer Hyperbolic Tapering? Reduced Withdrawal Symptoms: Antidepressants, Antipsychotics Stimulants (ADHD), Hypnotics (sleep), Mood Stabilizers, Benzodiazepines, and Opioids are notorious for their withdrawal symptoms. Hyperbolic tapering minimizes these symptoms, making the discontinuation process more tolerable for patients. Customizable to Patient Needs: Every individual reacts differently to medication reduction. Hyperbolic tapering allows for a personalized approach, adapting to how each patient responds to dose changes. Better Compliance: The gentler reduction in doses means patients are less likely to experience discomfort, leading to better adherence to the tapering plan. Neurological Consideration: Research suggests that the brain's adaptation to these medications is not linear. Thus, a hyperbolic model aligns more closely with the brain's natural adjustment process.   Clinical Evidence Backs Hyperbolic Tapering Several studies have highlighted the effectiveness of hyperbolic tapering. For instance, a study in 2020 (A Systematic Review of Tapering Strategies to Reduce Long-term Use of Antidepressants, Paul et al.) found that patients tapering off antidepressants using a hyperbolic method experienced significantly fewer withdrawal symptoms compared to those using a linear method.   Implementing Hyperbolic Tapering at Lamina Clinic At Lamina Clinic, our approach is always grounded in evidence-based practices and tailored to individual patient needs. We've adopted hyperbolic tapering strategies to ensure our patients experience a safer, more comfortable transition off their medications. Our team of experts closely monitors this process, providing support and adjustments as needed.   Conclusion As healthcare providers, our goal is to ensure the well-being of our patients throughout their treatment journey. Embracing hyperbolic tapering is a step forward in achieving this goal, especially in the context of medications with high dependency risks. We encourage other practitioners to consider this approach for a more patient-centered and safer medication discontinuation process.

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    🎉 Last week Lamina clinic reached over 1,000 patients on our waiting list.

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    Technology Leadership | SaaS | AI Solutions | Strategic Growth | Digital Transformation | Harvard

    I förra veckan nådde vi en milstolpe på Lamina clinic när vår 1000:e patient ställde sig i kö för att få hjälp med en säker och smärtfri utsättning av antidepressiva läkemedel. Men hur stor är egentligen vår marknad i antal patienter? 🇸🇪 1,100,000 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 7,300,000 🇺🇸 44,000,000 🇨🇳 70,000,000 🇮🇳 60,000,000 🇩🇪 4,700,000 🇫🇷 3,000,000 🇪🇸 2,900,000 🇧🇷 25,000,000 🇮🇹 2,500,000 🇵🇹 1,300,000 🌍 = 350,000,000

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    Good things are coming... 🚀

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    Technology Leadership | SaaS | AI Solutions | Strategic Growth | Digital Transformation | Harvard

    Det händer mycket hos oss på Lamina clinic just nu. Kön av patienter växer för varje dag, möten med investerare, vår tekniska plattform och app börjar ta fantastisk form (efter all feedback från patienter) och intervjuer pågår för fullt för att hitta våra nya kollegor som ska vara med på resan. Vi hoppas inom kort presentera några väldigt bra nyheter 🙂, stay tuned!

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    Hur hanterar man en patient som upplever depressiva känslor, nedstämdhet, oro, tankar om självskada men som inte är sjuk? Läs Mikael Bäckström artikel om hur vi kan minska vårdköerna genom att fokusera på dem som inte är sjuka.

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