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    How to Have Better Meetings Credit to Dr. Christian Poensgen. Follow him for more posts on habits, productivity & personal development Which of these expert strategies do you find most effective for making meetings productive? Original post below: ----- Rescue your team from the meeting trap. The unproductive meeting cycle goes like this: You're in the meeting. You wait for everyone. You beat around the bush. You leave the meeting. You are exhausted. You feel that it could've been an email. Maybe you're even confused. It doesn't have to be this way. Meetings can be useful and productive. Just take a look at these experts and their strategies: 1. Jeff Bezos ↳ Follow a clear agenda before every meeting. 2. Steve Jobs ↳ Keep your meetings under five people. 3. Richard Branson ↳ Stay standing in the meetings to keep focus. 4. Mark Zuckerberg ↳ Change your environment to spark creativity. 5. Sheryl Sandberg ↳ Designate roles to keep meetings organized. 6. Elon Musk ↳ Ensure follow-through with clear action items. Use this list as a guide to create your perfect meeting. Keep it simple, adapt, and refine as you go. Make every second meaningful. ----- Grow your professional skills with daily visual wisdom. Follow Infographic Insights for the best posts on: 📊 Business 🌟 Leadership 💡 Self-improvement

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    10 Methods to 10x Your Time Management Credit to Chris Donnelly. Follow him for more visuals on start-ups, scale ups, AI & his entrepreneurial journey. Which time management method do you find most effective? Original post below: ------ 10 methods to 10x your time management. Learn the techniques that will truly maximise your time. When you learn to manage your time you also: ✓ Reduce stress levels. ✓ Improve work-life balance. ✓ Prioritise your mental well-being. Use these methods to take control of your time. Before your time takes control of you: 3️⃣ Oliver Burkeman's 3/3/3 Method ↳ Complete 3 hours of deep work on the most important tasks. ↳ Do 3 hours of shorter urgent tasks or meetings and finish with 3 admin tasks. 📊 The Eisenhower Matrix ↳ Learn to delegate or say 'no' to unimportant tasks. ↳ Prioritise the urgent and important ahead of unimportant and non-urgent. 🧬 Biological Scheduling ↳ Identify your peak productivity hours based on your natural energy cycles. ↳ Schedule your highest-priority tasks during your high-energy periods. ⏳ The 2-Minute Rule ↳ If a task takes less than two minutes, do it immediately. ↳ This stops you overthinking and procrastinating over simple tasks. 📱 Digital Detox ↳ Schedule regular periods of time away from digital devices. ↳ Return back to your work with superior mental clarity and productivity. ✅ Break tasks down ↳ Breakdown long or complex tasks into small pieces. ↳ Schedule the hardest parts for your high-energy hours. 🤖 AI Tools ↳ Use AI-powered scheduling tools to delegate unimportant tasks. ↳ This helps reduce the cognitive load of planning and executing small tasks. 📈 Seinfeld Strategy ↳ Manage your time by turning goals into daily measurable habits. ↳ Keep up the daily streak for as long as you can and never take 2 days off. ⏰ Get Things Done Rule ↳ Clarify your outstanding tasks and rank them on importance. ↳ Prioritise and reflect on your to-do list after every completed task. ❌ Eliminate Multitasking ↳ Focus on single tasks at a time to maximise brain function. ↳ Avoid concentrating on more than one task when trying to deep work. Remember: The way we choose to spend our time defines who we are. Find the methods that work best for you. And take back control of your time today. ----- Grow your professional skills with daily visual wisdom. Follow Infographic Insights for the best posts on: 📊 Business 🌟 Leadership 💡 Self-improvement

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    No One is Born a Leader Credit to Justin Wright. Follow him for more cheat sheets on leadership & self-mastery. What daily decisions do you make to embody leadership qualities? Original post below: ----- Leadership is a choice. It's not something you're born with. It's not a gene you inherited. It's available to anyone. Anytime. Anywhere. Leadership is about: ➟ Opting to listen ➟ Deciding to guide ➟ Choosing to step up You don't need permission to lead. You don't need a position, rank, or title. You just need the will to take the first step. Leaders are made in daily decisions: ➟ Choose courage over comfort ➟ Choose growth over stagnation ➟ Choose action over hesitation Every moment is an opportunity to lead. ➟ Leaders inspire by example, not by command ➟ Leaders seek solutions, not scapegoats ➟ Leaders build bridges, not barriers And most importantly: Leadership isn't just about leading others. It's about leading yourself to higher standards. And being an example others want to follow. 🌟 Be the leader you always needed. ----- Grow your professional skills with daily visual wisdom. Follow Infographic Insights for the best posts on: 📊 Business 🌟 Leadership 💡 Self-improvement

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    How to Motivate Your Team Credit to Rob Dance. Follow him for more posts on mindset, personal growth & leadership. How do you ensure that your team understands the purpose and goals of their work? Original post below: ----- 85% of employees are not motivated and are disengaged Wait, what? 85% ...seriously? That's right, 85% have had a gutsful. But how can we fix this... Here are 11 of the BEST ways to motivate your team: 1. Understand the Purpose ↳ Make sure everyone knows how their work helps achieve the organisation's goals. When everyone’s on the same page, it's game time! 2. Set Clear Goals ↳ Set specific, achievable objectives to give your team direction and purpose. 3. Provide Opportunities for Growth ↳ Invest in training, mentorship, and career advancement opportunities for your team. Growing together is the way! 4. Train Your Leaders to Lead Better ↳ Invest in developing your leaders to sharpen their skills and dodge the many toxic management traps. 5. Work-Life Balance ↳ Promote policies that support a healthy work-life balance and respect personal time. Work hard, play hard! 6. Create an Inclusive Culture ↳ Build a culture where every team member feels valued and heard. Everyone’s voice counts – no wallflowers! 7. Provide Autonomy ↳ Let employees be autonomous. Give them the freedom to make decisions and own their projects. 8. Foster a Positive Work Environment ↳ Create a supportive and collaborative atmosphere, and give regular HONEST feedback to boost morale. 9. Focus on Job Enrichment ↳ Make jobs more exciting by increasing responsibility, and ensuring the work is meaningful. 10. Be Transparent ↳ Keep communication open and honest to ensure your team feels connected to the business's success. Transparency builds trust! 11. Recognition for Achievement ↳ Regularly acknowledge employees' accomplishments. A little recognition goes a long way – celebrate the wins, big and small! Learn these 11 methods today For a happier and more successful team tomorrow. ----- Grow your professional skills with daily visual wisdom. Follow Infographic Insights for the best posts on: 📊 Business 🌟 Leadership 💡 Self-improvement

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    Leaders We’ll Never Forget Credit to Justin Mecham. Follow him for more visuals on leadership, productivity, & full potential. How do you ensure your leadership style leaves a positive impact on your team? Original post below: ----- Leave a mark, not a scar: When people leave a job, they don't remember what they did, they remember how they were treated. They remember the leaders who guided them They remember the leaders who had their back They remember the leaders who believed in them They remember the leaders who celebrated their wins They remember the leaders who made them feel valued They remember if they had a sense of purpose. Leaders should be the reason teams feel empowered. They should help teams discover their "why" at work. So, when they leave their jobs, they do it to keep growing and not escape them. Leadership isn't a title, it's an impact. Titles fade, and memories last. People will always remember how you made them feel. ----- Grow your professional skills with daily visual wisdom. Follow Infographic Insights for the best posts on: 📊 Business 🌟 Leadership 💡 Self-improvement

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    What a Great Culture Sounds Like Credit to Eric Partaker. Follow him for more visuals on business, leadership, & self-mastery. How do you ensure your conversations with employees are engaging and meaningful? Original post below: ------ A good culture isn’t just something you see and feel. It’s also something you hear. Gallup reports that when managers engage in quality conversations with their employees, they: • Enjoy 3x better quality of life • Report 6x better engagement • Are 6x more likely to perform at their best Words matter. Choose your words wisely and people will feel: ➟ Confident in their abilities. ➟ Truly valued and appreciated. ➟ Recognized for their hard work. ➟ Encouraged to share their ideas. ➟ And truly excited about their future. As a leader or manager, you have tremendous impact on those around you. So always think before your speak. To help unlock the full potential of your team. ----- Grow your professional skills with daily visual wisdom. Follow Infographic Insights for the best posts on: 📊 Business 🌟 Leadership 💡 Self-improvement

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    Life Skills that Should Be Taught in Schools Credit to Noemi Kis✨. Follow her for more posts about business and growth. Which of these life skills do you find most important in your role in the workplace? Original post below: ----- School is meant to prepare us for life. But they miss essential life skills. These are the top life skills and how to develop them: 1. Financial Prudence: ↳ Create a budget and track your expenses to ensure you're living within your means. 2. Mindfulness: ↳ Dedicate a few minutes each day to mindful breathing or meditation. 3. AI and Coding: ↳ Start with beginner tutorials and gradually take on more complex projects. 4. Entrepreneurship: ↳ Learn from successful entrepreneurs and continuously seek new opportunities for growth. 5. Emotional Intelligence: ↳ Practice active listening and empathy in daily interactions. 6. Negotiation: ↳ Prepare thoroughly and understand the needs and wants of all parties involved. 7. Self-Motivation: ↳ Set clear, achievable goals and celebrate small wins along the way. 8. Social Skills: ↳ Engage in regular social activities and practice effective communication. 9. Self-Defense: ↳ Enroll in a self-defense class to learn basic techniques and build confidence. 10. Public Speaking: ↳ Practice speaking in front of small groups and gradually increase your audience size. 11. Conflict Resolution: ↳ Focus on finding common ground and understanding the other person's perspective. 12. Leadership: ↳ Lead by example and inspire others through your actions and decisions. Hard skills make it easy to do our job well. Soft skills help us to thrive in life.  💡 ----- Grow your professional skills with daily visual wisdom. Follow Infographic Insights for the best posts on: 📊 Business 🌟 Leadership 💡 Self-improvement

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    8 Layers of a Great Company Culture Credit to Justin Wright. Follow him for more cheat sheets on leadership & self-mastery. How do you build a positive culture in your workplace? Original post below: ------ 77% of people say culture affects job performance. The other 23% don't know it does. Here's why: Imagine spending your day in a place where you feel: • Isolated • Invisible • Unheard • Stressed • Powerless • Controlled • Intimidated • Overworked • Out of place • Disrespected • Unappreciated • Micromanaged Not fun, right? Now imagine a workplace where you feel: • Appreciated • Empowered • Connected • Respected • Supported • Motivated • Confident • Inspired • Trusted • Valued • Heard • Safe That's the power of culture. Culture is more than just values or rules. ➟ It's how people treat one another. ➟ It's the feeling you get at work every day. ➟ It's what makes you want to go to work (or not). But why does it matter so much? Because a great culture leads to happier employees. And happy employees are more motivated. ✅ They care more about the work they do. ✅ They're more creative and innovative. ✅ They take better care of customers. ✅ They stay with the company longer. Leaders, listen up! You are the cultivators of culture. You set the tone with your: ➡️ Words ➡️ Actions ➡️ Example And, with what you tolerate 👀. Want to boost performance? Have happier, more motivated employees? Start by nurturing a culture where everyone can feel: • Supported • Included • Trusted • Valued Here's how: 1. Listen More Ask for feedback and act on it. 2. Build Trust Be transparent. Keep promises. Trust your team. 3. Recognize Efforts Say "thank you." Celebrate wins, big and small. 4. Support Growth Offer training. Help with career paths. Let people grow. 5. Prioritize Well-Being Offer flexible hours. Make sure they don't burn out. 6. Encourage Collaboration Create a sense of community where everyone belongs. 7. Lead by Example Be kind. Be fair. Be honest. With these steps, you can transform your workplace. Or protect the great culture you already have. It's not just good for your people. It's good for your business, too. Culture matters. Make yours count. ----- Grow your professional skills with daily visual wisdom. Follow Infographic Insights for the best posts on: 📊 Business 🌟 Leadership 💡 Self-improvement

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    Top 4 Reasons Managers Fail Credit to Eric Partaker. Follow him for more visuals on business, leadership, & self-mastery. How do you practice self-awareness and empathy in your management style? Original post below: ----- Managers today are loaded with 51% more responsibility than they can handle. As a result: ➨ 54% feel too stressed ➨ 44% struggle to support direct reports ➨ 20% would rather not be managers given a choice And the end result? A whopping 48% are at risk of failing. So, why is this happening? A Harvard study analyzed over 100 risk factors... Here are the 4 main reasons managers fail: 1. Lack of self-awareness ↳ 82% of managers said they have the required skills. ↳ Yet only 20% recognize their own strengths & development areas. 2. Lack of two-way empathy ↳ 69% of HR leaders rightfully expect managers to show "downward" empathy to employees. ↳ Yet only 9% of organizations have programs to teach employees equally important "upward" empathy. 3. Unproductive relationships with employees ↳ 71% of employees feel their managers have adapted their interaction style to hybrid work. ↳ Yet only 47% feel interactions with their managers produce useful outcomes. 4. Absence of goal alignment ↳ Employees in 2022 experienced 5x more change than in 2016. ↳ Yet managers are 42% more likely to focus on work support, rather than help realign goals, following a change. But, here's the good news... When employers address these four factors, the risk of manager failure drops from 48% to just 5%. Remember, the best managers are the most proactive ones. Avoid these common pitfalls. And give your team the manager they deserve. ----- Grow your professional skills with daily visual wisdom. Follow Infographic Insights for the best posts on: 📊 Business 🌟 Leadership 💡 Self-improvement

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    Top 15 Phrases of Empathic Leaders Credit to Victoria Repa. Follow her for more visuals and posts about fitness, business, life coaching, digital health, and health coaching. Which phrase do you find most powerful in demonstrating empathetic leadership? Original post below: ------ 79% believe empathetic leadership results in lower turnover (according to an Empathy in Business survey from EY). Empathy is a superpower: ↳ It inspires and motivates others. ↳ It helps employees feel heard and valued. ↳ It builds strong relationships and trust within the team. 👇 Remember these 15 phrases to recognize an empathetic leader or become one yourself:  1. "I appreciate your hard work."  2. "What do you need to succeed?"  3. "Tell me more about your ideas."  4. "I’m proud to have you on the team."  5. "It’s okay to make mistakes."  6. "Can I help you with anything?"  7. "Your feedback is important to me."  8. "Let’s find a solution together."  9. "Thank you for your honesty." 10. "I understand your perspective." 11. "How can I support you?" 12. "You did a great job on that project." 13. "Your input makes a difference." 14. "How can I make your job easier?" 15. "I’m listening." But it's not enough to just say these things, you truly need to mean them. ☝️ Work is no longer about the paycheck alone, but about feeling heard, accepted, and respected. ----- Grow your professional skills with daily visual wisdom. Follow Infographic Insights for the best posts on: 📊 Business 🌟 Leadership 💡 Self-improvement

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