In the world of sales, we emphasize the power of asking impactful questions to uncover client pain points.
But let's flip the script—how often do sales leaders ask meaningful questions to unveil pain points in their team's pipeline?
Here are a few questions to consider. Dive into them, and watch your team flourish!
❓What is the most common objection you are getting and how are you overcoming it?
Check if the rep bumps into the same objections as the rest of the team or different ones. If they're different, why's that happening? Time to dive into their calls and do some ride-alongs.
And here's the kicker—it'll show you if they're not just handling objections but really getting what the objection is all about. It's like a sneak peek into their objection-busting skills and understanding.
❓What industries do you get excited to cold call into? Why?
Now, check out their pipeline. Are most of their prospects in this industry or wandering outside of it? If it's a lot of outsiders, swap them with ones in the same industry.
This unveils what really motivates the rep. Understanding their source of excitement adds a whole new layer of insight into what fuels their enthusiasm to dial those numbers!
❓Who is your most difficult prospect? Why are they your most difficult prospect and how can I help you?
This question is a real eye-opener. It peels back the layers to reveal the obstacles your rep finds most daunting. Dive into the "why" behind why that prospect is their biggest puzzle. This not only identifies areas ripe for coaching but also unveils a treasure trove of insights.
"How can I help?" opens the door to discovering where they see room for skill enhancement. It's like a direct line to their growth aspirations!
👉 The key to making any of this successful is to ensure you create an environment that allows reps to open up and answer honestly. If you don’t have that…. All of this will just be white noise and pointless. You’ll get the “Sales BS answers” every dang time.
#salescoaching #salesleadership