Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI)

Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI)

Environmental Services

Supporting low emission and deforestation-free sustainable development in Central Africa

About us

Environmental Services
Company size
11-50 employees

Employees at Central African Forest Initiative (CAFI)


  • 🌳 Did you know that wood-energy is the 2nd highest driver of deforestation in the DRC? Yet, the country still relies heavily on wood fuel, making up 93% of its energy mix. Check out the video in French below to see how our Cleaner Energy Project is making a difference with cooking alternatives in DRC! 🌍🔥 Exciting update on the Cleaner Energy Project: The Steering Committee (COPIL) for the Sustainable Consumption and Wood Energy Programme, led by UNDP and United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), convened earlier this week! Chaired by Ms. Rokya Ye-Dieng, Deputy Resident Representative of UNDP in DRC, along with the Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Hydraulic Resources of DRC, COPIL gave the green light to a dynamic 2024 work plan to advance the clean cooking agenda in DRC! Here's what's in focus: 🌍 National energy policy 🌳 Support for sustainable charcoal production 👩🏫 Training and support for sector entrepreneurs 💡 Innovative financial mechanisms In joining forces with our partners in DRC, we're not only making strides towards tangible results, but also fostering a sustainable future with lasting impact. CAFI is committed to securing a prosperous, greener future for all through collaborative initiatives like our Cleaner Energy Project in DRC! #CleanCooking #DeforestationAwareness #SustainableEnergy #DRC 🇨🇩 https://lnkd.in/eg9QiiSa

  • 🌳 We are looking for a new Carbon Specialist to help CAFI in: ✅ Developing robust carbon estimate methodologies ✅ Estimating and disseminating actual carbon impact ✅ Exploiting external research ✅ Ensure effective project oversight The successful Candidate should have: ✅ an Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in Forest Carbon, or Carbon Finance or equivalent OR a first level university degree (Bachelor’s degree) in the areas mentioned above in combination with an additional 2 years of qualifying experience will be given due consideration in lieu of the master’s degree. ✅ Minimum 5 years (with master’s degree) or 7 years (with bachelor’s degree) of work experience in forest and carbon evaluation research is required. ✅ Expertise in geographic information systems, data analytics and statistics ✅ Proven work experience with forest carbon accounting and forest ecology ✅ Demonstrated work experience in monitoring and evaluation. ✅ Demonstrated experience of working in teams managing large portfolio across different countries. ✅ Demonstrated work experience with various online platforms establishing systems and process to track results. ✅ Experience and solid knowledge of Central African forest, driver of deforestation and climate issues. ✅ Experience and knowledge of Payment for environmental services In addition, these skills would be a plus: ✅ Experience in Remote sensing ✅ Experience in socio economic surveys and land-use planning Working level Fluency in English and French is required. If you think you have what it takes and can see yourself in this role, visit this website and send us your application by 📅 September 13! 👉🏿 https://buff.ly/3AOIhqm

    Carbon Specialist - IPSA 10

    Carbon Specialist - IPSA 10


  • 📢 Yesterday, our team was thrilled to participate in presenting some of the major advances of the CAFI-funded DRC Energy Programme (Programme de consommation durable et substitution partielle au bois énergie) to His Excellency Lord Collins of Highbury, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State in the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office. This project worth 15 million USD is implemented by the UNDP and UNCDF via FONAREDD. Among the 🗝️ results: ✅ 230,000 improved cookstoves distributed 🍲 ✅ leading to the creation of more than 1,000 green jobs 💚 ➕ avoiding more than 150,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions The second CAFI-DRC Letter of Intent includes the country's commitment to reduce the Congolese population's non-renewable wood energy consumption by 50% by 2030 ⚡. The programme also enabled finalizing the National Policy on Energy, approved on December 9, 2022, currently awaiting promulgation by the Council of Ministers. This policy introduces clean cooking and protection of 🌳 forests🌳 as strategic targets, and aims to develop concerted Master Plans for the sustainable supply of wood energy in major Congolese urban centers, home to 45% of the country's population: Kinshasa, Bukavu, Goma and Lubumbashi. 🌍

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  • 📢 Dans le cadre de son projet d'appui à l'aménagement du territoire en #RDC, réalisé avec PNUD République du Congo et Wageningen University & Research via le Fonaredd RDC, #CAFI 🌳 est fière de partager avec vous quelques extraits de l'étude récemment validée sur le potentiel agricole en RDC.    👓 Cette étude a produit toute une série de cartes 🗺 sur le potentiel de production agricole et les besoins d'utilisation des terres pour les principales cultures pérennes et vivrières en RDC, ainsi que sur les risques de déforestation que leur développement pourrait induire. 🌿   ✅ Carte sur le Manioc (carte 1 ci-dessous) ✅ Carte du potentiel biophysique du manioc, prenant compte le changement climatique (carte 2 ci-dessous) ✅ Carte des risques de déforestation (carte 3 ci-dessous) Ces données existent aussi pour autres cultures vivrières (mais 🌽 , riz 🌾 et pour les cultures pérennes (palmier 🌴 à huile, cacaoyer , 2 types de caféier ☕ , hévéa).   Nous vous invitons à les explorer via cet outil cartographique interactif ! 👉🏿 https://lnkd.in/enQvwZg8

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  • #CAFI is pleased to announce the publication of the 2023 Annual Review Report of its partnership with the Democratic Republic of Congo (#DRC), following the meeting held in March 2024. The past year has been marked by significant progress and impactful initiatives.    Some highlights:  📊 Investment programming: In 2023, CAFI approved $135 million for new or enhanced projects, prioritizing initiatives that align with the DRC government's objectives.    🏆 Milestone achievements: As of March 31, 2024, 50% of the milestones set for 2021-2023 were achieved or in progress, highlighting our effective implementation of strategic initiatives.    🇨🇩 Read the full annual review report on our website: https://lnkd.in/eZqQsJQj

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  • 📸 Ravi.e.s de partager les photos de notre récente retraite technique, qui s'est tenue à #EBOLOWA du 12 au 15 juin 2024. Cet événement crucial a porté sur l'examen et l'enrichissement du document de projet d'appui à la coordination intersectorielle et multi-niveaux, dans le cadre du partenariat entre #CAFI et #Cameroun. Un grand merci au @Minepat et à la GIZ Bureau Régional à Yaoundéé pour la coordination de cette retraite. 🌍🤝 #developpementdurable

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  • La semaine dernière, le Ministre National de l'Environnement et Développement Durable de la RDC (MEDD) et l’Agence Française de Développement ont organisé la 2ème réunion du Comité de Pilotage du Programme Gestion Durable des Forêts, présidée par S.E. Eve BAZAIBA MASUDI, avec la participation de Bavon N'sa Mputu Elima (Fonaredd RDC, Secrétaire Exécutif National), Grégoire LEJONC (AFD), et Mathieu Schwartzenberg (CAFI). 🌍🇨🇩🇫🇷    La stratégie d’actions du programme pour 2024 a été dévoilée afin de soutenir les activités du Conseil consultatif national des forêts, ses entités provinciales. Cette initiative est centrale pour l'élaboration de la première politique forestière de la République démocratique du Congo. 🌲📜    Cette réunion souligne l’engagement réel du Gouvernent à l'approche des étapes clés du pilier forestier de la 2ème Lettre d'Intention, en faisant avancer notre vision commune de la gestion durable des forêts congolaises et de leur protection pour les générations futures. 🌿💚 #DéveloppementDurable #RDC #Environnement #GreenFuture

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