Angelini Pharma Nordics

Angelini Pharma Nordics

Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

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  • Vi på Angelini Pharma Nordics är stolta över att ha genomfört den sista delen av vår seminarieserie ”Epilepsi genom livet” som vi har gjort i samarbete med FOKUS patient och Svenska Epilepsiförbundet, där vi denna gång fokuserade på äldre och epilepsi. Genom hela seminarieserien har vi understrukit vår dedikation till att driva implementeringen av WHOs IGAP (Intersectoral Global Action Plan) i Sverige, och vi kommer fortsätta arbeta för att förbättra livet för alla som lever med epilepsi. Att engagera sig i epilepsi under livets gång är viktigt av flera anledningar: 1. Stöd och förståelse: Personer med epilepsi och deras familjer behöver olika typer av stöd beroende på var i livet man befinner sig och ökad förståelse från samhället. Genom ökad medvetenhet och kunskap, minskar också stigmat kring epilepsi.   2. Utbildning och information: Kunskapsnivån kring epilepsi genom livet behöver höjas i hela samhället för att folk ska kunna förstå hur det påverkar alla aspekter i livet, Epilepsiförbundet har en viktig roll i detta, men om vi är fler som hjälps åt så är chanserna till större genomslag högre.   3. Forskning och utveckling: Med ökad synlighet och medvetenhet om hur epilepsi påverkar hela livet, kommer också fler frågor upp till ytan, vilket driver forskning och utveckling framåt.   4. Kvalitet på vården: Vi behöver också öka kunskapen inom vård och omsorg. Genom att lyfta epilepsi och hur det påverkar alla delar livet, kan vi hjälpa till att påbörja denna diskussion om vad som behövs för att förbättra omhändertagande under de olika faserna i livet och vilket stöd som behövs.   Under detta sista tillfälle diskuterades det hur livet med epilepsi påverkas när man blir äldre, vikten av stöd till anhöriga, och hur den kognitiva förmågan förändras med åldern. Vi lyfte också fram betydelsen av samarbete mellan Strokeförbundet och Epilepsiförbundet för att sprida kunskap. Avslutningsvis fick vi lyssna till ett inspirerande tal från en medlem från Epilepsiförbundet om hur det är att leva med epilepsi, hur anhöriga påverkas och hur cyklingen och daglig fysisk aktivitet stärker honom i hans vardag. Ett stort tack till våra talare: • Nationellt Kompetenscentrum • Epilepsiförbundet • Strokeförbundet • Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset • Karolinska Institutet   Genom alla tre delar – med fokus på barn och ungdomar, vuxna och arbetsliv, samt äldre och åldrande – har vi fördjupat oss i hur hela livet påverkas av epilepsi. Tillsammans med våra samarbetspartners arbetar vi för en mer inkluderande och medveten värld där personer med epilepsi får det stöd de behöver. 

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  • Today Angelini Pharma Nordics, Chiesi Nordic and the Italian Embassy in Sweden hosted the Italian-Swedish Forum on Research and Innovation at the Embassy of Italy in Stockholm. This event, supported by Business Sweden, exemplified the collaboration between Italy and Sweden in advancing healthcare. The forum brought together diverse stakeholders, including the Italian Medicines Agency, Swedish Medical Products Agency, and esteemed researchers from both countries. Key discussions focused on: - Utilizing real-world data and advanced imaging techniques - Enhancing patient care and developing individualized therapies - Exploring potential synergies within Swedish innovation ecosystems “Angelini Pharma is dedicated to improving patient outcomes through collaboration. This forum allows us to explore the synergies between Italy and Sweden, utilizing real-world data, data imaging and advanced technologies to drive innovation and tackle healthcare challenges together.” Says Fräs Anna Andersson, General Manager at Angelini Pharma Nordics. This collaboration between Angelini Pharma Nordics and Chiesi Nordic, highlights our shared commitment to pushing the boundaries of healthcare innovation. The event was moderated by Britta Stenson from Business Sweden, fostering invaluable knowledge exchanges and setting the stage for future collaborations. Together, we are committed to making a substantial impact on patient care. “I look forward to continue and deepen the collaboration with other companies, healthcare professionals and researchers that want to develop solutions for patients with unmet needs as well as finding solutions to a sustainable health care system. I truly believe that we are stronger together.” Says Olav Fromm, General Manager at Chiesi Nordic.   Pictured from left to right: Fräs Anna Andersson, General Manager, Angelini Pharma Nordics Karolina Antonov, Lif Britta Stenson, PhD, Head of Global Industry Network for Life Science, Business Sweden   Michele Pala, Italian ambassador in Sweden Olav Fromm, General Manager, Chiesi Nordic

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    Chief Medical Officer presso Angelini Pharma

    This week I had the opportunity to join leading experts in the field of epilepsy at the 15th European Epilepsy Congress (EEC) in Rome. I am continuously fascinated to see the scientific progress this community has brought about over the past 15 years, however, the conference also drove home how far scientific innovation and real-world clinical practice in epilepsy treatment still diverge. With this article, I share my three main takeaways from EEC and would like to invite you to share your perspectives as well – because what this community still needs is even more exchange so that more patients can benefit from latest advancements.   #AngeliniPharma #EveryStepCloser #WithYouInMind #ILAE #EEC2024 #Epilepsy

    When clinical practice doesn't fully match the latest scientific innovation, it’s time to disrupt the balance. My takeaways from the European Epilepsy

    When clinical practice doesn't fully match the latest scientific innovation, it’s time to disrupt the balance. My takeaways from the European Epilepsy

    Agnese Cattaneo on LinkedIn

  • As part of our commitment to improving the health and well-being of people, Angelini Pharma Nordics organized a meeting during the ILAE European Epilepsy Congress in Rome 9th of September, to showcase examples of how user-controlled epilepsy follow-ups based on patient surveys have worked in primarily Denmark and Norway. Clinical experts as well as PAG representatives from various European countries participated in the discussions on the importance of patient involvement. We as a company support by facilitating the forces, promoting the exchange of views and initiating the movement. Our aim is to inspire local PAGs to collaborate with their local experts to consider implementation of user-controlled follow-up as part of their clinical practice. Joint forces and the momentum in the objectives of IGAP, in combination with new data on efficient resource utilization, may influence decision-makers to prioritize patient involvement as one way to improve the care for people living with epilepsy. #AngeliniPharma #Epilepsy 

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    View profile for Irene Gianotto, graphic

    Consultant at The European House-Ambrosetti

    Yesterday I had the pleasure to introduce and chair the Workshop “Breaking the barriers of stigma: Fostering #inclusion and #rights for people with epilepsy”, a discussion event held in #Helsinki involving several expert organizations. The WS, that took place in the same days of the 10th European Academy of Neurology Congress, is the latest milestone in the international journey that The European House-Ambrosetti has started in partnership with Angelini Pharma to raise awareness and exchange ideas and best practices on the management of #epilepsy - one of the most heterogeneous and impactful neurological disorders. The event adopted both local and international perspectives, highlighting the key role of single countries in the advancement and implementation of #IGAP. Several key priorities emerged, including: 1️⃣ effective and #goodcare as a fundamental starting point, 2️⃣ the importance of developing national care #pathways and adopting a #holistic approach to the pathology and overall brain health, 3️⃣ reducing the knowledge gap through #information at different levels, 4️⃣ patients’ empowerment and #collaboration among the key actors, 5️⃣ while overcoming a silos approach towards neurological disorders. Aligned with the #EAN Brain Health Mission, integrated care and innovative treatments for people with existing brain disorders are as crucial as prevention and early detection for healthy individuals. While Finland is at the forefront of implementing care pathways, there is still significant progress to be made in fostering workplace inclusion. Today only 1 out of 3 Finnish people with epilepsy are #employed and 70% of them encounter difficulties and #legal problems. 🧠 Also in the light of this challenge, we look forward to continue our journey towards transforming epilepsy (and brain health) from a hidden priority into a key driver for societal development. In the meantime, kiitos to all our valuable speakers: Donna Walsh (INTERNATIONAL BUREAU FOR EPILEPSY) Helen Cross (International League Against Epilepsy) Reetta Kalviainen Kaijus Ervasti Metsähonkala Liisa Mari Sydänmaanlakka and partners of this journey Fräs Anna Andersson Angelini Pharma Nordics

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  • We're excited to announce that on Monday 1st of July, Angelini Pharma Nordics had the pleasure of partnering with the Italian think tank The European House - Ambrosetti and Angelini Pharma Global to organize a meeting aimed at finding solutions to the social challenges faced by people living epilepsy in Finland. The discussion event was held in Helsinki as part of the Headway® initiative, which seeks to increase awareness about critical issues related to epilepsy and promote and protect brain health. Clinical experts, patient organization representatives, and other experts were brought together for multidisciplinary discussions, utilizing strategic global-local synergies. The event highlighted the key role of single countries when it comes to the advancement and implementation of WHO’s IGAP. During the event, several key priorities emerged, including: effective and good care as a fundamental starting point, the importance of developing national care pathways and adopting a holistic approach to the pathology and overall brain health, reducing the knowledge gap through information at different levels, patients’ empowerment, and fostering collaboration among the key actors. Kaijus Ervasti, Professor of Social Work at the University of Eastern Finland's Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, shared insights from his research on the social challenges faced by people with epilepsy in the workplace. A key take away is the importance and urgency of setting an action plan to break down barriers of stigma and exclusion and promote inclusion in the workplace, and by doing so, contribute to the quality of life for people living with epilepsy. We’re grateful to our valuable speakers: Donna W, Reetta K, Kaijus E, Mari S, Liisa M, Helen C, and everyone who listened in to the meeting. Epilepsy remains a hidden priority, but by working together and using a multidisciplinary approach, we can help transform epilepsy (and brain health) from a hidden priority into a key driver for societal development. #AngeliniPharma #EveryStepCloser #WithYouInMind

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    In partnership with The European House-Ambrosetti, we launched Headway: A new roadmap in Brain Health, a project that aims to create a common ground for strategic reflection and dialogue on Epilepsy and Mental Health, as experienced from different European perspectives. Today 1st July, Headway is in Helsinki, welcoming local and global experts to talk about the implementation of the Intersectoral Global Action Plan on epilepsy & other neurological disorders (IGAP), with a special focus on how to break the barriers of stigma, fostering inclusion and rights for people with epilepsy. #AngeliniPharma #EveryStepCloser #WithYouInMind

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    Communication Manager Nordics

    Denna vecka hade jag möjligheten att delta i Almedalsveckan. Det var en fantastisk upplevelse att möta så många engagerade människor som bryr sig om att göra skillnad. En av de mest minnesvärda händelserna under veckan var seminariet vi höll tillsammans med FOKUS Patient och Svenska Epilepsiförbundet om epilepsi och arbetsliv. Seminariet bygger på IGAP (Intersectoral global action plan on epilepsy and other neurological disorders), som syftar till att främja rättigheterna för personer som lever med epilepsi, inklusive deras rätt till arbete och en meningsfull sysselsättning. Vi hade fantastiska föreläsare, däribland Professor Johan Zelano som även är författare till boken Epilepsi i arbetslivet. Boken ger kunskap och praktisk vägledning om epilepsi ur ett arbetslivsperspektiv. Jag uppmanar verkligen er att läsa den! Jag vill avsluta med ett citat som moderator Pernilla Gunther från Fokus Patient sa under seminariet: "Alla har rätt till att arbeta 100 procent av sin förmåga". Detta fångar hur viktigt det är att stödja rättigheterna till arbete för personer med epilepsi och att vi alla har ett gemensamt ansvar att minska diskriminering och stigma för en mer inkluderande arbetskultur. Det börjar med att öka medvetenheten, besök och för mer information om epilepsi. Låt oss alla arbeta tillsammans för att stödja rättigheterna till arbete för personer med epilepsi och eliminera diskrimineringen och stigmat.

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    We're proud to announce the launch of our second crowdsourcing campaign in partnership with Wazoku. This Open Innovation Challenge aims to identify innovative Drug Delivery Systems (DDS) and Treatments Approaches to significantly improve the lives of people with epilepsy, especially elderly and pediatric patients. With 50 million people worldwide affected by epilepsy, non-adherence to anti-seizure medication among adult patients ranges from 29 to 39%, and is even lower in elderly and pediatric populations. Identifying new options to increase adherence is vital to the epilepsy community, and research is key. Researchers, scientists, and PhD students: we need your help! If you have novel approaches to using available anti-seizure medications for patients with epilepsy, join the challenge and contribute. The research journey never ends!   The challenge closes on August 26. Good luck! To know more: #AngeliniPharma #EveryStepCloser #WithYouInMind

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    Assistant Professor Of Management presso Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna

    🌟 Reflecting on an Inspiring Event in Copenhagen 🌟 I had the pleasure of participating in the first ever European network meeting on PROMs in epilepsy, organized by Angelini Pharma - Nordics, in Copenhagen. This groundbreaking event brought together experts from across Europe, all dedicated to enhancing epilepsy care through patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs). The gathering was filled with engaging discussions, interactive sessions, and a wealth of combined expertise. It was truly inspiring to witness the collaborative spirit and commitment to patient-centric care. Thank you to Angelini Pharma for facilitating this crucial event and to all the participants for their invaluable contributions. Together, we are paving the way for a brighter future in epilepsy care. Amund Leinaas @Christoph Patrick Beier @Eline Ihle Dahl-Hansen Heléne Sundelin Kristl Vonck @Rhys Thomas Marte Roa Syvertsen @Simona Lattanzi Lars Nicklasson Sofia Morberg Lundgren #Epilepsy #PROMs #PatientCentricity #AngeliniPharma #Copenhagen #HealthcareInnovation #PREMs Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna

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